
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Another Day of 111 - Must be Needing Them

 I told you a week or two ago (I think) that the Dr. said I have low iron. I also know my thyroid is having issues but the past week with company etc, I have forgotten to take my iron pills. 

I am so tired I think the last few weeks with Prom and Easter along with lots of house guests really took it out of me. I can't tell you how many loads of laundry I have done. Camping and sick visitors and sheets along with bedding have made for some long days of laundry. I have officially finished washing the blankets and bedding as of last night. I had to call the repair man as my dryer will not shut off unless the door is left open. The timer is going. I think it is as tired as I am doing all that laundry. :-)

It feels very good to have that done. I have knitted a few scarves this week but that for the most part is winding down as the weather gets better. However with snow yesterday and everyone freezing in the house tonight so much that I turned up the heat, there still may be a few days left for selling. 

Princess four still has a few things left to pay for coming up and friends have been so generous in buying her scarves and donating to help Princess four get to Thailand. She has a meeting this weekend where we will drive there and back in the same day which will make for a long day. We will be leaving about six a.m. and we have a special event where they are honoring my mother we found out about today so we won't be getting back until after midnight so I am not looking forward to that long day.

But, there are some graces in my life that keep me going even when I do feel extremely tired. I turned on the computer which had been acting up all day. Nothing worked. I rebooted and guess what time it was.... 1:11. If you don't know about my seeing 111 click on this link here for details. For the other 20 posts about 111, type 111 in the search box at the bottom of the page and you will five about 20 more posts where I share my 111 stories.

Yes, the funnier thing is, that I was going to post today about the night when I opened my blog pages to see the stats for the day and check on comments, the views on my blog were 91,111. I thought that was funny but then as I opened the page Princess two had opened and left for me to view on a new cell phone plan, I couldn't believe the time on the picture they have displaying the phone on their site. Yes, it is 11:11. It only got better when I was scanning some tax papers and noticed that on two of my tax papers, the number has a 111 in it. 

When I finished scanning those, I finished things up for the night and each night I write in a journal and put the days total in so I can keep track of my views daily. Sometimes the counter on my blog resets etc. I looked and there was the total as 91,115. 

The other day, I looked at the clock twice at 11:11 and 1:11. Princess four was with me both times. I think someone is giving me a reminder that "this too shall pass" being tired all the time. I talked with a friend and he suggested that I take "Yellow Doc Root" as it is widely known as one of the richest iron sources. So, the other day I went and bought it and with my horrible headaches the past few days, I haven't been taking anything. When I don't feel well due to storm pressures, I don't like taking anything as my liver has to deal with Tylenol and Psudaphed and I don't like to take things when I feel nauseous which storm headaches do if I don't take something early. So, I will let you know how it makes me feel when I start taking it and lets hope it does something for my lack of energy.

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