
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stalking Part 5 - Top Ten Stalking Songs

Princess two and I were talking about the phone spyware video and she told me about a funny video she had seen on youtube about a stalker. This led to several other video's. We then started pondering on "stalker songs." 

Princess tow did a search and said that there were many people who have blogged about stalking songs. I thought that was interesting. 

She came up with some by doing a internet search and came up with some on her own. I came up with some I thought of and there is this spoof song that my daughter got on a cd from a local radio station a few years ago called "The stalking Song". Here is the song that was a spoof on "So happy together". You can click on the link below and follow along as you hear them sing it or watch the video, It is just an amateur video but I remember my oldest princess thinking it was the funniest song back then.

The Stalking song

Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night
It's only right to think about the girl I stalk
Each day and night,
So happy together.

I dated you, for just a week
You dumped me and I cried real hard
And still can't sleep.
So now I'll have to force you to come back to me,
So happy together.

I can't see me stalking nobody but you for all your life
When you're with me baby the skies will be blue
For all my life.

I call you up at 2 am
I wake you and hang up the phone
And do it again.
That's what you get for goin' out with other men,
So happy together.

I can't see me stalking nobody but you for all your life
When you're with me baby the skies will be blue
For all my life.

I see you, you don't see me
I'm hidden with my telephoto lense up in the tree
You're walking and you look around, suspiciously,
So happy together.

"Hey...sugar...I like your no that's kinda lame.
I got it, I got it. Hey baby, it's me again....surprise! That's a good
one, I like that, surprise, haha."

I've got your cat, don't be alarmed,
As long as you come talk to me,
He won't be harmed
We'll go and get a bite to eat
I'll come unarmed
So happy together...forever and happy together.

I saw this joke online and is for a t-shirt. I suggest you go to the site to buy it! Funny shirt. 

Princess two came up with this next song on her own and thought the video was so funny. When I saw the millions of views on youtube, I know she isn't the only one that liked it. It is worth the watch. It's called "Stuck Like Glue and is a country song. 

Stuck Like Glue link

This one is from a group I've listened to for 20 years. The video is from then as you can tell by the hair and clothes but it is still a funny song. I came up with this one. 

The Bobs singing "Through the walls link 

Princess knew about this one as Hillary Duff had a stalker. The video isn't by her but the song is really good.

Dreamer by Hillary Duff link

*** These next three need to be watched in order. They are so funny. We love these songs and I caught myself singing "Taylor the Latte boy" today as I was working in the house. So catchy and creative. Watch them in order and use the links as there are some others that did them as a skit or something and they aren't as good as the originals. 
Taylor the Latte Boy - Part 1

Taylor The Latte Boy - Part 2 - Rebuttle Taylors View

Taylor the Latte Boy - Part 3 Cops View

This one I found doing a search. The guy with the bag on his head is funny but it is creepy that people do watch others from outside the window. I've seen someone doing it. He would drive around the town with a cordless phone, a baby monitor and binoculars trying to overhear peoples phone conversations or family lives if they left the baby monitors on. Some people are really imbalanced.
The Stalker Song -Michelle Glavin

Of course you all know this police song. The video is from the 80's and isn't worth watching unless you just like to hear the song. 

Police - I'll be Watching You

This is an oldie but a goody. I just enjoyed hearing this again. The video is nothing special but I thought it was worth it just to hear the song. 

One Direction - One Way or Another 

I couldn't end this five days of posting about stalkers without ending it on an upbeat note. So, here is "I will Survive" for all of those who have been through a break up, whether it was with a crazy stalker or not, it is still a good song for any trial. 

I will Survive - Gloria Gaynor

I hope you have been enlightened as to how to avoid the stalking world. I will be happy to get back to blogging about family life but felt I should share what I know about stalking to inform others about how to protect themselves or their children.  


  1. I hope your friend can finally get free of her stalker. It's amazing how after all he has done to her she never retaliates but instead moves on doing great things and hardly ever thinks of him. He obviously knows he had a good thing. If she was so awful he would want to stay as far away as possible. Instead he does all he can to be close to her. Your friend is amazing and our prayers are with her.(and him because God only gives people so many chances. Sounds like he has just about used his up. It won't be pretty for him in the future.)

  2. So weird that you would write that. Princess 2 told me a friend wanted me to call her. She donated something to sell for Princes 4's mission. While on the call, she told me of two people who really helped my friends ex hurt her during her divorce and used their money and influence to help him stalk and abuse her. This person said she had a child that went to another state to sell alarm systems and looked the couple up. They had lost EVERYTHING! They were living in a dark little apartment and he was managing a diner and she was working as a waitress there. They had been VERY wealthy and used it to hurt her. My friend said she thought it was so sad they were living where and how they were. I couldn't help thinking that at some point, that mean and negative energy comes back at you. Those ripples on the water. I hope I am only sending out happy ripples.
