
Friday, March 1, 2013

Low Iron and Low Energy.... One Tired Mama

I have figured out some of my "Sit-itus" issue. (See that post here.) I have very low iron. I don't eat much red meat and during the winter I don't eat many dark green leafy veggies. So, apparantly, there is a reason I keep falling asleep whenever I sit down.

The Dr. told me to take iron daily with Vitamin C. I have had to do that in the past when I was pregnant as well but I know I have a few other issues going on also. I was glad to visit with a Dr and find out some of what has been ailing me. I hope that I can deal with all the issues and start feeling good enough to exercise again. When I would exercise daily before, I would have to take a nap and was still dragging the rest of the day and wouldn't have the energy to get anything else done. Lately, I figure if I only have a limited amount of energy to spend, I need to use it on getting what needs to be done taken care of before Sit-itus takes over.  

I still think there is something wrong with my thyroid but taking the L-tyrosine and iodine together seem to be keeping that in check a little better. Here is a link to my page where I talk about thyroid and iodine issues. Here is a link to the page where I talk about L-tyrosine and how it works with the thyroid.

I am also doing the colon cleanse, "Colonix" again as I think everyone should every few years. When I got back from Peru, (see a post about that here)  I was tired all the time and realized that the parasites I picked up while giving the pedicures caused me to have an iron deficiency so I thought perhaps some are back. It can't hurt to do it again.  Here is a link to the page where I posted about it. Princess one has been doing the cleanse again for the past few months. She inspired me to do it again. I just started this week.

I'll have to let you know how taking the iron works. I don't think I could get much more tired but I would hate to jinx myself so I will just tell you how grateful I am that we can buy an iron pill to take. I would hate to think what I would have to do if that weren't available. Perhaps I would just sleep through everything. Sometimes, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I had a board meeting today, part of which I think I could have slept through. ;-)

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