
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Save the Last Dance For Me - Dance is Over

Princess four has her last performance this weekend. She isn't sure with everything going on if she will be doing drill team next year or not so this may be her "Last Dance" in her dancing career. 

It is sad each time I see them get to this stage. She enjoys dancing so much. You can see she gets all the right "faces" that the team does and is so precise in her presentation when she is dancing. 

Photos give you the moment stopped in time and she always used to say, she thought she wasn't sure she was good. 

But, when I show her the photos of her in mid air like the one at the top and her face is in the "Face" of the moment and her toes are pointed, her arms are straight, her leap is in mid air and she looks at the others around her, she can get a better perspective on how she really dances. 

The second one down is her literally rolling mid air on the tops of her toes. I couldn't do that for a million dollars

I love her smile in the flower photo and the "Breast Cancer" dance shirt.

The photos also depend on angle. I have this "leg up while kneeling shot" in about ten different angles from throughout the year but I just happened to be in a good spot for this shot only once. 

When she is in four competition dances and is on different sides of the floor for different dances, it is hard to be in one good spot to take photos. Seats at competitions can be at a premium so once you are sitting, you don't want to get up and try for another seat between dances so we have to take what we can get.   

At times, that means we get shots of her doing a great leap mid air only to have two other people in the shot in front of her. Here is one such photo. 
You can see her hands up, her toes pointed, she is in the air but she has an arm and a few bodies in front of the greatness. :-)

Princess one and Prince number one both came to support her in the state competition and Princess two also came. Princess three was doing ambassador work at a college weekend and couldn't attend.  
My dad showed up and I somehow missed taking a picture of him as he sat behind us, left for a call, watched the dance, took the others to lunch and then watched her dance for a second and then left. 

I am sad I didn't get a photo of her with him or of him supporting her as he is the male role model in her life and he drove an hour to see her perform those dances with a meeting before it, calls in between and then flipped the bill for them all for lunch. What a blessing he is in her (and all the princesses) life.   

I feel so blessed to have been able to find ways to allow the girls to be their best and have the chance to shine. Dancing gives them such great self esteem, exercise, poise and grace. I know it will help them throughout their lives. Small sacrifices now make a huge difference later.

With the service mission and  service hours, RYLA, Hoby, girls camp, church youth camp, perhaps girls state, getting her driving hours in, and perhaps student leadership again,  I don't know if she will do drill as she has had a difficult time with all her honors classes and maintaining her grades. She has been able to keep her 4.0 but it has been a struggle.

With all that, whatever she decides, I don't think she will be looking back.... except in this picture!  
Princess number four, you amaze me and  I LOVE YOU!I

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