
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Massage Fanatic - Funny Finds

While cleaning out some drawers and closet shelves, cupboards and under my desk, I found the funniest thing out. I obviously like massage! I couldn't believe how many little foot roller massagers I have. I have back scratchers, back rollers, scalp massagers etc. 

One would think I like touch or something! 

Once again, I was up all night filling orders for knit scarves. I had three to get done and on the third one, it was about five a.m. when I fell asleep only to be woken at 6 as a taxi driver taking Princess 4 on a ride to drivers education.

I snatched less than an hours sleep after that before a meeting at 10:30. The day happened from there. 

So, while cleaning my room out more, I've started finding these little massagers everywhere. I love it when the girls rub my back and I keep two of the feet rollers under my computer desk and use them when I blog. 

I thought it would be cute to make a word out of them all. I will be putting some of them in the "Indoor Yardsale" so come on over and I will demonstrate how they work on your back! 

I'm off to hopefully dream for the three hours I have before Princess four turns into a pumpkin if she doesn't get to drivers education with both shoes on by six a.m.

Happy Massaging!    

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