
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Me and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day

Sorry Everyone, it was just one of those days. I had nose surgery years ago due to a boating accident when I was a newly wed. Since that time, changes in pressure while driving or when I am sick cause me head pain and it gets to the point (if I can't stop it with pain and sinus medication) where the pressure is great and I throw up. 

With that very personal information, you must also know that when there is a "pressure" storm coming, I get horrible headaches. I can usually ward them off with pain medication, a large coke and some psudaphed.

This week hasn't been the best because I still have some stuff from being sick going on, as well as, dealing with a horrible tooth issues that has been going on for ten years or more.  I have a tooth that I have been to see six dentists at least twice each. 

For years, it hurts with the storms and when I eat anything on that side of my mouth. Each time, they take x-rays and tell me they can't see anything. This past week, I told the new Dentist that I didn't care if he saw anything. I told him to give me a root canal. He started to go in and said, "It is so calcified from trauma, it is almost dead and I can't get through the roots." 

He spent the next two hours drilling through my calcified nerves with marginal success. During that process, he had to give me FOUR shots of Novocaine. When I left the office, I still was in pain and couldn't drive the long distance home before taking lots of pills and drinking a LARGE Coke. 

He packed it with stuff that is supposed to help soften the calcification so he can get through to the roots and kill the tooth. This tooth got cracked when another dentist put on a crown that was too large and it was tight in my teeth and the crown shattered in my mouth the first time I tried to eat something. Since that day, I have had horrible problems which got worse and worse as the tooth started dying. 
This week we had had rain or snow almost daily. My tooth has been very sore. My jaw was stiff from being open so long and having work on the back teeth. 
I also had two sets of other bad news which was stressful for our family yesterday.  With that, I couldn't take the mess in our family eating area. The "Inside yard sale" is still going on but I decided we needed to make it "useable" for our family but functional for Princess Two doing her service. Also, several times she lists something, someone comes to get it and then she posts something else and they write back saying, "I wish I saw that when I was there..." So, the girls came in and said, "It looks like a "store" in here. 

Hopefully, we will be able to earn enough to make the payments on the trip soon and can finish up the "house sale" and get the place back to normal. 

We have out of town guests coming this week so that is part of the stress. Princess two wanted to put it all in boxes and suggested different rooms or the garage but with the storms, the garage is cold and I don't want to set up "shop" in another room. I have a "free" box going with things that haven't sold but usually when she lowers them to a dollar or two, they go quickly. 

I have a sweet friend Julie, I have mentioned before, who donated some books, video, a dresser and a wonderful working stereo to the mix. The stereo ended up taking residence in Princess Two's room and her old one is now for sale. The new one has a three cd player, remote and dual tape deck with a jack for auxiliary so she can watch movies on the great speakers. So thanks Julie (and everyone else who donates items to our "Inside Yard Sale") for your help in getting Princess number 4 to Thailand!

I fell asleep on the couch last night and didn't wake until just now. Once again, sorry about the late post. I seem to be making it a habit this week. Now you may understand why.... Hopefully, today will be a better day....

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