
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Princess Africa's Getting a New Pet

I found this unique item at a second hand store. 

Yes, it is VERY different but since Princess three went to Africa and has her room decorated in orange and brown African print, (see her room here) I thought she may like this. She and the younger princesses don't read my blog much so I feel confident that these posts will be safe as long as someone doesn't share them with the girls. 

I thought the container was a "one of a kind" and decided that I would get it for her, clean it up and fill it with candy for her college room. 
She doesn't want much for holidays and she loves when I buy bulk candy after Halloween so I purchased some to fill up the elephant. 

Someone made this elephant out of paper mache. I could see the letters under the paint. It was in English so I don't think it was foreign made. I didn't know if the paint in the middle was lead based so I thought if I covered it with duck tape, any candy inside would be safe. 

I used black tape and covered the bottom and sides and then used black acrylic paint to finish painting the  inside.  The white thing you see is the handle of the foam brush I used to paint the inside.

I also used black duck tape to cover the inside of the lid which had a crack in it. 

None of that was hard but took some time. 

The outside had some dust which we vacuumed and then washed with a damp cloth and then I took Elmer's glue and since the outside was made using  strips of cloth, some of the edges had frayed. I used the Elmer's glue to glue any loose ends and cut any frayed strings off securing it better so it will withstand use at college.   
I don't know how Princess 3 will like her new pet but I thought it would match her room just great and make an interesting candy jar. Even if she just likes it for the candy, I know it is something that her friends will LOVE as long as she shares! 

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