
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pentawhirl and Train Rides - Fun Outing Part 1

We took a little road trip and went to a pumpkin patch. They have free train rides and two of these fun little inventions called "Pentawhirls." 

As you can see by the pictures, they are pentagon shaped rides on which you buckle yourself in with "seat belts" and then someone spins you around. Here is a video of them going around and after five minutes they still want more.

They have them at all the fairs and events around and you pay a dollar or two for a few minutes of spin time. 

However, at this patch, rides are free. They have a two man ride and a four man ride. Because my girls were waiting, a father wanted his daughters to have a longer turn. He told them he would spin them on the four man if they rode with his girls. 

Because it was sunset, the photos I took with the little girls were dark. The flash wouldn't work and the light in the background kept us from being able to see their faces. He gave them at least a 8 minute ride, my guess is that it was longer. 

He was so cute as he went back after a few minutes and gave his girls another ride and they had been going for a long time before we got in line.  It was interesting to me as we were looking at the pictures, princess five said, "You should marry someone like that." I thought it was cute that she would even think about that. I am so used to doing everything alone that it didn't cross my mind that I would spin them. 

I spun them later as we wanted to get some cute photos and after visiting with some people we ran into that we knew, we took another turn and got some great photos. I was surprised at how easy it was to spin them. It had been a few years since we went last. 

Princess two wasn't so thrilled with the pentawhirl or the train ride as you can see in these pictures. There was a lot of dust even though they had a water truck trying to keep the dust down. 

I have to admit that I forced the girls onto the train ride. It is a bit juvenile but they used to love to ride it when we rode it in the lights parade at Christmas to  promote the local food bank or at the school carnivals when we went. It was more of a nostalgia thing. I took a video and forgot that the camera can't be turned side ways and I thought it was so funny that I am going to post it. So dumb it is funny. 
OK, so maybe it is only funny to us but look at Princess two's face and then when a car drives past, she waves like a princess. I just thought the entire thing was funny. Tomorrow, I will post the photos I just found of us there in 2009. I thought it was two years ago  but nope, it was three. I couldn't believe how young the girls look.

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