
Monday, October 8, 2012

Finishing Projects Kinda Weekend

 I have a dear friend John who over the past ten years has helped me many times when I had court or other stressful situations and he helped us several times over the past few months once again. I wanted to do something to thank him for all his help and support, of the girls and I, over these past ten years. I decided to make him an afghan. 
I haven't made a full sized afghan in quite some time. I usually make baby blankets but I picked colors I hoped he would like and I tried something new on this afghan. I mixed two patterns and came up with my own which was fun and was successful according to the girls.
They liked the color variations as I didn't have enough of one color to do the entire thing but mixing the colors and making stripes helped me be able to make a longer blanket and used yarn that I only had limited amounts on each color. 

I will post about the pattern and what I did later but wanted to get this posted quickly as I didn't finish the second project until the middle of the night. 

I started this t-shirt quilt over a month ago, here is the post where I mention working on it. I made this for a friend who has taken my daughter to girl camp for years. I took the t-shirts she had from each camp and the stuff from this years camp that had all the girls hand prints made into little feet prints and made it into a quilt.  

It was sewn but just needed to be bound. I was glad to get both of these off my "to do" list.''

Also, Princess two is feeling much better being able to sleep and eat when needed and is finally feeling well enough to work on these little dolls. Here is a post about them. I grabbed a few bags of stuffing and sewed a few more dolls so she could have something to do while she convalesced but she has been so tired that she just sat if she was watching a show or something. 
A few days ago she started stuffing them and now is keeping me busy sewing dolls for her to stuff. She figured out that when she uses the back side of the jumbo crochet hook, the stuffing is so much easier to stuff. Hopefully, tomorrow, we can finish the rest of the dolls as we are running out of stuffing. We'll deliver them to the humanitarian center this week. Click here to see about that. 

This weekend I also finished pruning the fruit trees in the back and poisoned the grass. It was a busy weekend for me overall.  

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