
Friday, October 12, 2012

Gotcha - Fun Group Get to Know You Game

 Princess number four had a fun week this week. Every year for the past three or four years, the kids at the school play a "get to know you" game. Every person gets a paper with their name typed on it. 

On the back of this paper, they write three things about themselves that others wouldn't know.

The papers are then thrown into a hat (not really a hat but you get the idea) and then each person draws a name out. 

The person's name that you get, you have to "Get" them after school but before ten p.m.  You can't get them at any school required activity such as someone playing football can't be gotten until the game is over and he is out of the school after the game. 

The game lasts for a Monday through Thursday night.

Friday, whoever has the most name cards, wins. To get someone's name card, you have to touch them. They can't be held by someone else and you can't tackle them. Just touch. 

You would think this wouldn't be hard but the second name princess four had took her almost two hours to get. 

I have never heard of anyone going to the extreme that this boy did to not get caught. He literally jumped off their balcony when he saw her come through the front of the house. He then went to his trailer, got in his hunting "camo" clothes, painted his face black and ran around the neighborhood for two hours while she tried to get him. He is a cross-country runner. It ended by him locking himself in his bedroom. 

I told her we needed to "go" and slammed my door a couple of times and peeled out (gravel drive) after telling her to sneak back in and sit outside his room. 

She and her sister sat at the top of the stairs around the corner and within two minutes, she had him. I did have her take him some treats today to make him feel better about it. 

When you "get" someone, they give you their name slip of the person they have and any they "got" before. Princess then got the girl who got her out last year. The girls walked into our house last year and got her without ringing the bell. 

Princess paid back the favor by walking around to her back door and walked right in getting her and the two names of people she had already gotten. (The boy that had her name before Princess sat in her house for two hours while she locked herself in the bathroom and never did get her!:-)

Princess did a stealth move today when she and her friend saw the girl walking down the street with her friend. They hid down in the seat. They told me to drive by and flip a U turn and then stop with her door by the girl so she could just tag her. It worked like a charm and then the entire group headed to the boy's house down the street that the girl was on her way to tag. He wasn't home.

We went back later after picking up some parts at the hardware store and he rode up on his motorcycle just as they were leaving the house. She tagged him quickly and we found the next boy at the Freshman football game. He, however, was absent the day they gave names out and being a freshmen, didn't know about the game so her trail ended there. 

She was sad she didn't have more upperclassmen as they would have had more names each. She had lots of freshmen and they only had one name. She did score two names from others twice but sometimes at the end of the week, you can "Get" one person with 35 names. It literally is "in the cards." 

This game did really help her get to know the younger students. Yesterday, she met a boy she had never seen or met, and, she told me today that she saw him and told him "hi." he looked like he could use a few friends so I am glad they did the game as I got to know a few of the kids as well. I admit the jumping off the balcony was a bit much and was shocked he did it but it does show how "into" the game the kids get. 

We haven't ever gotten more than one or two kids in the past so this was a new one for me as well. I hope I explained it well enough. Have Fun! Gotcha!      

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