
Monday, October 15, 2012

Eve Has Her New Garden of Eden Part 2

 Last year, I posted about my sister's garden. I talked about all the wonderful memories I have that have occurred in her garden. 

Here is a link to my first post about Eve's garden.  

I then posted about her new garden when she moved in March of this year. 

She and her family have been working so hard on their yard. I have to say that they have been working hard in the yard and the house. But, when you look at the top photo in this post, and then compare it to the main photos in the post of March, you will be able to clearly see how much they have done. 

I also have to say that I didn't post any photos of the front, or side gardens. They are VERY large as well and I think her yard is going to be a VERY full time job. 

As you can see by the photos, she put in a large vegetable garden with raised beds for most of it. 

She enlightened me with some new information that I hadn't know before. I had no idea that in our state, we could grow artichokes. That was a totally new one for me. She actually cut some and cooked them for the girls to try while we were there. 

She also grew lots of gourds. I have never grown them but she purposefully planted them so she could make bird houses out of them. Something else I have never done. 

She is opening all sorts of new ideas for me to think about.

Look at her cauliflower and her cabbage. I haven't had that kind of luck with either of those items. She is hoping in the next few years to be self sustaining. By the look of her orchard and garden areas, along with her root cellar, windmill, irrigation water and sun room on the back of the house, I have no doubt that she will actually make it. 

Tomorrow, I will post a bit more on all that but for now, enjoy the comparison of her March photos to current pictures. Here is a link to that post. She and her family have done an amazing job and I have no doubt, soon, she will have her own urban farm. :-) 

I love you EVE! You are amazing and I love your new garden and look forward to creating many more fun memories there!      

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