
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rock and Roll Trailer - T-Shirt Quilt Vacation

 I went on a "vacation" with my friend to stay in her trailer at a resort as they have a spot where they like to go. 

I had never been to that resort or up near that area in that state before. She has been asking me to do this for some time so I thought I would take the opportunity, while I had a few days, to go with her. Before leaving, her daughter asked me if I would be willing to make her a T-shirt quilt like I made them before using her own T-shirts and sweatshirts as her twin sister ended up with the quilt I made them before. 

I told her I would love to do that for her. We took a look at what she had and decided how best to use the shirts etc. 

On the other quilt I made them, I used shorts, pajamas etc.  (See here for that post.)

We loaded up all the things we would need to sew and cut the squares into the trailer and then my friend asked me if I could help her make all the T-shirts her brother bought her when he traveled into a quilt if we had time. 

I told her "I would love to" so she loaded up all those T-shirts as well. We spent lots of time watching her favorite shows since I don't watch TV often, she had some she wanted to introduce me to while we had time together. The trailer would shake as we sewed but after a lengthy trip into the nearest town to find backing, we finished the quilt. As you can see in the top photo, we didn't have enough room in the trailer to lay it out to pin the binding edge so we had to go on the grass outside. 

That wasn't a bad thing as one of the neighboring trailers had a sweet elderly lady in it who had to come and see what we were doing. We visited and by the end, she hugged us both goodbye. We finished her daughters quilt and started on my friends quilt. 

When I left to go home, we had her quilt cut and laid out. By the next week or so, my friend had sewn it all together and finished it. I was VERY proud of her as she had never made a T-shirt quilt before and wasn't sure of herself but she texted me a picture when she finished.   

You can see the smile on her daughters face as I didn't want to blot that out. She loved it and I was glad I could do that for her. 

So, guess what is laid out on the basement floor at this very moment? Yes, a T-shirt quilt for another dear friend. It is sewn and just waiting to be bound. I'll hopefully get to that this week. But, if you know me, fall is a very busy time. I am still dehydrating apples from my trees and pruned two of the 11 fruit trees needing pruning in my yard this week and next. I like to prune them before the leaves fall so I don't have to rake leaves. Click here to see how I prune. It looks like we have a pet Giraffe. I should have taken photos of all the fruit on the trees. When I prune like this, I get bumper crops. The branches were near the ground this year with so much fruit.

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