
Monday, September 17, 2012

Princess Number 2 Needs Our Prayers on her Mission

I got a 5 a.m. call this week from the wife of the Mission leader in charge over Princess number two's mission in Taiwan. She told me that Princess had a fever and was fine but they were going to get her a Dr. apt. 

Well, I didn't hear from her for days and wrote her an email asking if they had heard anything from her Dr. visit. She wrote me back at 3:17 a.m.this morning. Funny thing was, I hadn't been on the computer all day and couldn't sleep and finally got up and turned the computer on at 3:15. There was not an email from her so I thought I would check the junk mail. Nothing there, so I was about to turn off the computer when the inbox showed a new email. She wrote right then. I thanked her for getting back with me and hoped things were ok. 

Today, I got an email from Princess number 2. She had a fever from Tuesday through Friday over 100 degrees. She had and is having headaches. She had a nose bleed. She is exhausted. She had (I don't know if she is still having) diarrhea. She had no fever during her Dr. Visit (She told me she took some Tylenol but I don't know if that was during that time) but as soon as she got home from the Dr. visit, the fever came back. 

She said the Dr. took blood work and from walking in the door to leaving it was maybe 20 minutes. No other tests or samples. They dismissed her other symptoms that she has had for months with the leg cramping, teeth pain and weird tastes and the weird sores on her body. 

They had her talk with a Dr. in Hong Kong who told her he didn't think she had any parasites and that she needed to "get over" this "mental wall" illness she thought she had. 

I got another email from the woman in charge today who said she would get to the bottom of the illness and let me know what she finds if the blood tests don't show anything. 

I told Princess 2 in my email that, if nothing is resolved within two weeks, she needed to come home. Even if we still can't figure out what the deal is at least she can rest and I can fatten her up. At this point she weighs about what she did in middle school. She has lost more weight and the clothes that were snug when she left are now hanging on her. she thinks she weighs around 110 lbs and she is taller than me at 5' 9". 

I am at a loss how to help her other than us sending prayers. 

I have to tell you that I know our Heavenly Father is in charge. I finished emailing her, felt very stressed out. I had a friend who was leaving in a few minutes to the city where my sister lived and was willing to take something there for my sister. As I got out of the car to take the item to her door, I looked down and there was the penny in the photo. I put my head down and thanked God for that little reminder that I need to trust Him to take care of my Princess in Taiwan. 

Thanks for any prayers you send her way. We are so blessed in so many ways. I needed that little reminder to Trust in Him. 

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