
Monday, September 24, 2012

Princess Number 2 - Good and Bad News

I have some good news and some bad news about Princess number two. The good news, (being positive first) is that Princess number two is home. 

The bad news is, Princess number two is home. 

I got a call on Thursday saying I would need to pick her up on Saturday about noon. I got no information about why or how come it is so sudden. I made some calls and tried to figure things out but to my best understanding, they were fed some false information and didn't get the tests done that needed to be done and so, Princess is home to finally get the medical tests done needed to prove what is wrong with her. 

I don't think it is Morgellans disease as to the fact that someone over the phone prescribed some antibiotics for the sores that spread all over her body. I wish when I wrote them months ago and asked them to culture them saying it looked like a staff type infection, that they would have listened. 

The sores stopped but the other issues still remain. 

With her home, the family came for the weekend and driving to the airport to pick her up etc has got me quite tired and it is now 4:30 a.m. after the family left and Princess could tell me how things went, it became a very late night. I didn't get to talk with her while she was in Taiwan as the misinformation didn't allow for it but we are just grateful that she is home and I will share more when I have had a little sleep! 

Thank you all for your prayers. We truly are blessed that she has arrived home and pray that we can figure this out ASAP. 

UPDATE- Look into Six Feathers Formula Black Salve Indian remedy. Some claim it has helped them cure their Morgellans! 

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