
Friday, September 21, 2012

Local Humanitarian Center - Tour and Working

 This is the post I thought I had blogged about in the past. I guess I missed that one on paper but worked it out in my head. 

A few years ago, I started a group that did humanitarian things in my local church. Right after I got moved to another position and the women in charge of the womens group for our area (not just our church) decided to start doing it weekly on Tuesdays for one side of town and Wednesdays for the other side of town. They also are open one night a week for those that work during the day. 

They take donations of all sorts of things and have a room for fabric lined with shelves. A room with batting and stuffing. A room full of sewing machines, and one full of fixings and threads. There is a bigger room where cutting, pinning, laying things out and quilting happens. 

Because I am usually out of town on the mornings my side of town meets, I usually do my humanitarian work at home. I decided to take my princesses down to tour the local humanitarian center. It is open from 9:30 to 12:30 both days. You can go any time and leave anytime and they have a "take home" table where they put things that can be done easily while you watch TV or are driving in the passenger seat etc. 

We sat down for an hour or so and finished tying this quilt off using the "universal" quilting stitch where there are no "knots" but it is looped through a few times. Princess number six had never quilted anything before so it was something "new" for her that day. 

I have been down there a few times since picking up things to work on and dropping finished things off. We are still working on finishing the dolls we posted about last week.

At the moment, I have four new projects I brought home to show princess number 1 that I think she would be able to do easily and I have the materials to make them so perhaps I can teach the other girls how to crochet squares. Perhaps I will take a photo of them. The hat with flower is absolutely cute! Many of the projects stay local but others get sent up to the main Humanitarian Center to be sent out to the world when needed.

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