
Monday, August 6, 2012

Sleeping on the Trampoline - Another First

My Sweet little exchange daughter has a wonderful memory. I have been so busy with life I can't remember much other than what I am focused on at the time and even then I haven't been that great. 

We mentioned when she first arrived that we would have a sleep over on the trampoline. 

Since we were in the play nightly, that couldn't happen but she brought it up the other day and asked that we do it so after the play one night, we took out sleeping bags and pillows and set out for a trampoline sleep over.  

I was sad that by the time they got home, cleaned up and ate something after the play that it was almost 2 a.m. before they got out to sleep. Of course, it was a freezing night and they were all cold. Every other night had been warm. In the morning, we were needing to get up early and head out but I took this picture of them when I went out to wake them. They were all cold and huddled in the bags.

Still, it was another first for our darling exchange student and we are all about firsts. She said even though she was cold it was fun. Another memory made....

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