
Friday, August 3, 2012

It's a Fine Life - Musical Summer

This summer, among all the other busy and crazy things going on, we decided to be in a community theater production of "Oliver." 

This put a very hectic nature to our day with some days being morning rehearsals and most days ended with an evening rehearsals. 
We rehearsed for months and when our exchange student, Princess number 6, came into our family, we recruited her to be in the play. It was an interesting experience as most times, the girls couldn't be in any summer plays due to schedule conflicts but this year, we were able to make it work. 

Princess number 5 was an orphan and a thief. Princess's number 3 and 6 were dancers and chorus members and in most of the group scenes. 

I am not sure how this worked out as I didn't really even want to be in the play but wanted to support the girls in it as they have wanted to participate for years. 

As it turned out, I got a lead as "Mrs. Sourberry." Yes, her personality is as her name suggests. As the undertakers wife, she feeds Oliver dog scraps, locks him in a coffin and makes him sleep with the coffins. 

I was however, the comic relief of the play. I got to sing a great song, get water thrown in my face and then get pushed into a coffin. It was awesome. I put on some crazy stripped socks and got to wag my feet in the air as I fell into the coffin. 

I also got to be a beggar woman with black teeth. It was wonderful. I also had a scene where I was just a street shopper. We all had fun doing the play and it was something Princess number four listed on her first letter to us was that she loved acting in school plays. 

I am not sure if I would do it again as it was so much work but we created memories that will last for some time. I still get people telling me how fun the play was and how "unlike" I am to my alter ego that I got to play.
We took one last photo with the four of us in costume to put on our gratitude frame. Isn't that just tooooooo much fun! Really though, we've loved having those experiences.

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