
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cowgirl Princess - Cowboy Hat Blessings

I wonder sometimes if people get tired of reading about my blessings or what I perceive as blessings. Others may not see them that way but I prefer to see angels and heaven in my world and think that there are miracle in our lives daily. 

A few weeks ago, Princess number four asked me if she could buy a cowboy hat. I thought that was an odd wish as we don't ride horses, listen to country music etc. 

I asked her what kind of hat she would want and she told me "The straw kind that have highlights painted on them." I told her we would look at them at some point when our life calmed down a bit. The play, exchange student, sick missionary, cut feet, holidays and getting girls ready for college and school were keeping us kinda busy. 
We went to the rodeo and they had hats there for $15 and up. She tried one on and was thinking about getting it. I told her that if it really wasn't what she wanted, then she shouldn't spend the money on it and if she "Put it out there, God would help us find the one she like and possibly cheaper."

Skip forward, We went to a festival at a park as we wanted our exchange student Princess to get a feel for local culture downtown in the capitol. We saw several hats which the girls tried on shown here but the pink and blue didn't do them justice. So, we kept working our way through the booths. We saw a cute hat, she tried it on. It had wire in the rim so she could roll the edges like she liked and when we asked how much it was...... $2. 

Before we found that hat, I asked all the girls if they wanted one and they said it could be cute but my girls are funny as they think they need to say they don't want something if they think it will be an unneeded expense. We keep working on this issue as I tell them they deserve to get what they want and should have it. It may not always come in the way they think but their Father in Heaven wants them to have nice things and things they like so I reminded them of that. Well, not a few booths later, we came across the hats.    

I asked them as we bought Princess four her hat if they wanted one and they all said" no." We got one booth away before Exchange Student Princess went back and bought one. We got five booths away before the other two princesses went back. It was so cute.

I insisted we take a picture but Princess three's hair kept her from wearing hers at the time. I do know she likes it because she took it to college with her yesterday and ended up finding a very good spot to be until she decides to wear it. 

Some will call me CRAZY but I KNOW that Angels and my Heavenly Father knows who I am and knows my girls and wants them to be happy. He provides for us so well and just today, I found five pennies all in different places. My girls just laughed as I picked them up at the different places we went. I counted the "Trust in God" found money the other day as I am working on a project with some of it and I had over $30 something in it. (ok, I wasn't really exact counting it but was surprised at how much was in there.) For those of you who don't know about that, here is a post about my pennies. There are many fun posts about pennies and I will suggest that if you haven't followed my blog, you search "penny" in the search box at the bottom and read. I don't post about most of the coins I find but on certain days when I am having a hard day, I find one and I know I am reminded to "trust in Him." Keep praying that our nation does continue to "Trust in God."

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