
Monday, July 9, 2012

Pineapple Blessing - Dehydrated Fruit

I was able to get some pineapples from the food bank and dehydrate them for the food bank the other day. They had a pallet of them and with the holiday this week, they weren't open and they wouldn't last until the weekend was over.  
My sister showed me this pineapple cutter years ago and I kept my eye out for one and found one on sale for about $3.50 with a medium and large setting for different sized fruit. 

I wish that you could adjust the thickness of the slices because the slicer makes it so thick it takes days to dry. They really did take me 48 hours to dehydrate the first batch.

After that, I decided to try just using a sharp knife and cutting off the outside and slicing it down length wise and putting that on the dehydrator. It took me about 5 or more minutes to peel and cut the one pineapple with that method. 

The peeler corer makes the job so much easier. Using the peeler/corer took hours and hours off the job of dehydration. 
I dried the first batch in rings but then when I cut the rings in half, we were able to get more on each tray. 

Of course I gave away lots of it and paid the food bank back with dried pineapple for the staff. Pineapple is probably my favorite dried fruit. Green plum is up there as well but since I got three off my entire tree after 5 years, I will have to stick with the pineapple.

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