
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Banana Boat - Camping Treat

Each day we are trying to do something new with our Princess number 6 exchange student. 

Today she had four new experiences. She tried a bagel for the first time. She liked that. 
She tried honeydew melon. I spent a bit buying it so she could try it and I was disappointed with the flavor. The melons this year have been such a disappointment all around. She tried this banana boat. I couldn't believe my younger princesses hadn't tried this either. I have failed them in so many ways. :-) 

I thought I would blog them so the girls will remember how to make them. Of everyone who tried these and smores, these were the winner. I actually bought the bananas and foil last minute when I went to pick up extra hot dogs when my sister decided to come with her kids. I am glad now that I did. 

These are such a fun camping treat or dessert to your camp fire foil dinners. They are easy to make and good to eat and they are true to their name. They do look like little boats as you can see in the top photo.
Basically, you peel a thin piece of banana peel down the center and then cut a v piece of the banana out. In the space created by the cut out banana, you put chocolate chips or pieces in and then put some small marshmallows in it. I forgot small one's so we just broke down the larger one's.

I am thinking different flavors of chips would be good like mint, peanut butter, butterscotch etc. 

Replace the peel back into place and then wrap the entire thing with a layer or two of foil. Put them on the coals like you would a foil dinner. 

Depending on the coals and how hot they are, you will need to keep an eye on them. If they get really hot, they go super mushy. I like them warm but not mushy. I usually put them on the outskirt unless I want it done quickly and then just put it on hot coals for a minute or two. You can check it and put it back on if needed. 

My sister and I shared one as I was one banana short. She thought she would eat it like a smore but the banana just slipped out all sides of the graham cracker. I revised that by just putting it on a cracker and eating it open faced. It was good but I kept thinking how much more I would like it with a coating of peanut butter on the cracker. 

The girls all enjoyed it and the one that didn't, we realized that hers was missing the marshmallows. lol 

Just keep your banana's from getting squished on the way camping or you won't have to wait for them to get mushy in the fire, they will already be mushy. :-)
I thought I would share a few links to other camp out treats. Here are a few we've shared in the past.

Here is a link to a post for another treat in the fire that was  similar using mini pie crusts. 

Also, here is a link to camping kettle corn we made a few years ago.

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