
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Billy Goats Gruff on Steroids

So, yesterday's post was about parasailing. When we finished taking pictures and headed down the mountain to go and pick them up, we were shocked and a bit startled by a HUGE amount of goats in the road. 

I couldn't have been more surprised.

We honked our way through a huge amount thinking we were about through it. Nope. For about 10 minutes down the roads twists and turns there were goats every which way. We saw some sort of sheep dog with three legs, one at the beginning with a bell on and finally at the end, we saw a "shepherd" with a staff and another dog. 

Down the mountain a bit further, there were a few stragglers heading down the wrong road.  Later, we were told by her father that the heard has 2,000 goats. I am not sure what they are for but it was sure interesting to see that many goats in all sizes of development. That was a new one on me. I have seen sheep, cows etc before but never goats and not in such a huge number either.

I think I will investigate and find out more. I am sure it can't be for the meat. :-)

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