
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bat Cave, Dragon, Goblins and Reefs. Best Road Trip Ever

I took four exchange student on a road trip and saw some amazing things. I had visited most of them but many of the places we went, my girls hadn't been or didn't remember. The exchange students obviously hadn't been there so it was all new for them. 

I took them to see the San Rafel Swell. It was a beautiful view and there had been lots of rain and I had never seen so much water in the area.  
I then took them to a bat cave and some pictographs. However, with all the rain, we got stuck in a foot of mud crossing a wash and I was stressed having 8 minors in the car in the middle of nowhere stuck in the mud. 

I said a quick prayer and was able to put the car in 4 low and reverse out of the mud. We had to four wheel drive to the bat cave pictured above. It was a bit of a climb to the cave and my out of shape body let me know it wasn't happy with that hike for a day or two.

We were going to explore a mining town and some other pictographs but with the mud washing out the road, I didn't want to take another chance at getting stuck in the mud off road.

We revisited where we were going due to the rains and the mud so we ended up taking a longer road trip through the southern part of that state. 

We found this cute rock formation and took a photo and then I blogged about us stopping at Goblin Valley were they played "hide and seek" so well.

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. My only suggestion would be to take more water. We ran out and it is a HOT place.

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