
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Morgellons Disease - No Cure, Medical unsure

Ok, so Princess 2 over the past few weeks as been telling me she is having some weird problems. 

A month or two ago she said she wasn't feeling well and found out the washer was backing up and molded all her suitcases and everything in them for a long time. 

There was lots of mold in the house. Then she bleached everything and thought that was the end of it. 

However, she got this "bite" as that is what she thought it was. She said it took weeks to go away and left a deep scar. 

Then, two came, then three, then on the arms. She also had a dental check up before leaving and has always had the best teeth in the family. 

She can hardly eat. She has so much teeth pain. She is going to the dentist today. I worry about her going to a Chinese dentist when she can't speak to him. I hope he doesn't pull a tooth or something. 

She told me a few weeks ago that she was waking every night with leg cramps. That causes her to have nightmares. 

She said she is so tired, her last email said, "I kind of feel like I just go through the motions of the day, and look forward to going to bed, then I get up and do it all over again." 

This isn't like her. She is tired all the time. She also wrote this about visiting someone's home. "and 15 minutes later I woke up almost drooling. My companion just let me fall asleep on the couch." 

I am really worried about her. I didn't put two and two together until late in the night last night. I clicked on "infected flea bite" and two clicks later was watching a youtube video and freaked out when the man described all her symptoms in a short video. Then, I realized they all went together. Here is that video clip.

Here is another video that talks about people in the US having it. He was a famous baseball pitcher and the news did a clip on their "weird" illness.

This last video shows lots of the sores on the bodies. I pray that we can figure out what is going on with Princess. These people have lived in pain and suffered for years and all them have scars all over the body. 

Please pray for her.... I don't think I am going to send my princesses out of the country any more... They all come back with weird life changing illnesses. 

1 comment:

  1. Lucy 2009

    "About six months ago, I did some research on the internet and ran across a website called NutraSilver. It was for Morgellons but also said that it can be used for Fungal infections. I was hesitant on trying it because of the price. I was desperate so I placed an order.

    I first tried it orally for two weeks and did not have luck. I then called the NutraSilver company and it was discussed that I might use it topically. I first applied it on the spots and after 4 days or so, it started going away. However, I had to end up covering my entire lower legs in NutraSilver® to keep the Fungus from relocating. It took about 2 full weeks to completely go away, BUT It is gone…And I am so Thankful. What a nightmare!!!! I posted a photo of what my legs looked like before."
