
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Biggest Black Widow I've Ever Seen in My Life

 I have so many things I have missed blogging about but these past few weeks that I thought would be a wonderful beginning to summer have ended up being quite stressful. Today, I had so many things slated to get done and I actually didn't get any full thing off my list. I got several smaller things done but am frustrated with all that there is to do.

I was down stairs dusting which wasn't actually on my list but when I walked by and saw that someone had actually written "love" in my dust, I thought perhaps I had better dust. I did like the fact that they felt to write the word "love" but was horrified that there was enough dust to write words. 

Anyway, I looked out the window as I was dusting to see this mammoth black widow. She had just killed something or laid a huge egg sack as it was VERY large. I thought to myself that I had better poison her before the sack hatches. Last year, I didn't catch it until it had hatched and there were lots of little babies running around. 

I thought I would show the pictures in the window along with the spider to show size. She must be doing VERY well in that window well to have gotten so big. Usually, they are about half that size. 

I didn't get down there with the camera until well after dark as I got side tracked on my way up for the camera. 

Lame post but she really is a beauty as far as black widows go. If you enlarge the top picture by clicking on it, you can clearly see her red spot. Isn't nature funny how it warns us she is poisonous.

I wish people had red dots to warn us, or different colored dots for different issues. I wonder what color dots I would carry.... Interesting thought. Sounds like a Max Lucado's story I've read. 

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