
Monday, March 12, 2012

Coconut Oil Reduced my Cholesterol

This is going to be a short post but I just wanted to let you know and document my cholesterol. I have kept gaining weight for months. It didn't seem to matter what I did or what I ate. I was so frustrated and our city had a "Healthy City" program where you start in January. They take your blood, take your blood pressure, weigh you and give you a pamphlet where you record intake of food, water, and exercise.

I don't have insurance so I wanted to see where my blood work was so even though I wasn't doing a lot with exercise, I wanted the test results. I was horrified when I gained weight the first month on the program.

I was shocked when I got my first blood work results back and I had high blood sugar and high cholesterol. I was frustrated as I have been healthy all my life but the last few years it seems with all the stress and especially the wedding, missionary leaving and girls doing dance, court issues, etc that I had gone over the top with my health and stress.

I have tried to make myself relax now that it is over. I have had a few things going on but for the most part, I have really tried to slow things down. I still haven't been exercising like I should but I am trying to make sure I take my vitamins daily and the main thing is that I started eating the oatmeal with coconut oil. I think the coconut oil is giving my brain the "good" oils and now that the brain isn't starving (as I think the simple sugars in the grains feed the brain and the oil is what gets it into the brain) it is allowing my body to let go of some of the fats it has been holding onto.

I had my blood drawn last week and got my results a few days later and was thrilled to see my cholesterol went down 42 points and was in the middle of the normal range. My blood sugar was also down in the middle of the normal range.

There is probably no way to prove that the oatmeal with coconut oil made the difference but I looked online and couldn't believe the different drugs people are being put on to lower their cholesterol. I know that I have taken vitamins for year, and still had the problem of gaining weight and I didn't feel any better. I think that taking my vitamins with the oatmeal/coconut oil mix is somehow allowing me to absorb them better than I would normally.

Either way, I feel better taking it. I have more energy. I am still not sleeping as well as I would like but I wonder if I continue taking it, if I will absorb more of what I need to balance that out as well. It has only been a few weeks but my guess is if I continue, my health will improve. This is based on the article I posted a few days ago in the original post on coconut oil. He describes the thyroid having problems on regular oils and how taking the coconut oil helps the thyroid. So, I pray that as I continue taking the coconut oil, the thyroid can start working correctly again and start producing the sleep hormones it needs so I can get some better sleep.

I was really worried about my blood test results all being high but now I can relax more and focus on keeping healthy without that added pressure.

Give it a try if you have high cholesterol, what could it hurt to try it for a month or two and check the results. I hope your results are as good as mine. I just googled "reduce cholesterol coconut oil" and looked at several pages but clicked on this link as it had a similar story to mine. Funny, or maybe not, but I was taken to the "Tropical Traditions" page on "Heart Disease" and ejoyed what I read so I thought I would post a link for you. Here it is: This link will save you time in searching on your own.

I did more searching on Coconut oil and sleep... Yes, you guessed it... There were lots of articles and testimonial on how it helped people sleep better and on (once again) "tropical traditions" page, there were testimonials as well. I did go to other sources and really feel that eventually, it will help me sleep as it helps regulate the thyroid. Yea for that!


  1. So the Iodine wasn't enough for your thyroid? I'm getting coconut oil this weekend when I go to the store to see if it will help us. If Cliff could sleep better it would be worth it.

  2. No, that is a support for the thyroid but the body needs several types of iodine and if the thyroid is shot, the adrenals went before that. It will take some time to rebuild what took years to break. I take a thyroid support that has three types of iodine and l-tyroisine which is an amino acid helping to break it down. I also rub lugols iodine on my abdomen. It seems to absorb better when I do that than take it internally.
