
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3D Sidewalk Chalk Decorating Party

Some days I just love that my youngest Princess still wants to be a kid. The other day she asked me if she could invite several friends over. I thought that was a great idea since her homework was done, her room was clean, and her chores were finished. She invited them over and pulled out something she got for Christmas that I had forgotten about.

She and her friends had a sidewalk chalking party using the 3D sidewalk chalk set. I had wondered when buying it if it would really work as it seemed a bit "out there" as sidewalk chalk is often light and hard to read anyway. I have to say, I was really impressed with the colors and vibrancy of the chalk even without the glasses which makes them 3D. I really liked how I could see them from the house with no problem and then, when I did go outside to see them up close, it was even better.

The glasses that came with the kit really did work. Some of the colors of chalk jumped off the sidewalk at you. I tried to take a picture through the glasses but I don't that it worked that way but really, when they were on my eyes, it did work.

So, if you were thinking about spending money on the kit, it was worth it. I however just had a thought. I wonder if I used regular sidewalk chalk, if the glasses would work anyway. My guess is yes, as I was just reading up on 3D anyway. I purchased a 3D bluray DVD player for Christmas and was wondering if I could watch the 3D Avatar movie on our regular TV. No, but thank heavens they had an option to watch it in 2D. So, this is what I learned; what the glasses do is, one side blocks out color rays for certain colors and the other side blocks out rays from another color so when you look through the glasses, you only see certain color rays and that gives the picture depth.

I think I will have Princess make me some more art and we will take our other 3D glasses outside and see if they work on the chalk and then use regular sidewalk chalk which may not be as vibrant and see if it works with the glasses that came in the kit. Just because I am a curious sort, I want to know that information.

Anyway, that was a bit of a tangent, but the girls had fun each decorating a square or two of my sidewalk. I enjoyed walking around viewing them and decided to take pictures and blog the idea as it was a fun day for all the girls. I liked seeing what each girl came up with for their squares. It gave me some insight as to what they thought about. Some did pictures of hills and people smiling, others wrote about peace, others did self portraits with them holding hands with a boy, others did rainbows, some circles, hearts and stars as well. Just interesting to see where they are in development. The square that made me laugh was this one, "Dear Me, You are the sexiest thing that has ever walked this earth, Love Me!"

It was a fun day and now we have a blog post with pictures to remember it as well. I highly recommend the Crayola 3D sidewalk chalk kit.

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