
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Knitting Grandma Guru

My sister has never knit before. She became a grandma a few months ago. When she found out she was going to be a grandma last year, she decided to take up knitting. She didn't know anything about it but started watching youtube videos and bought supplies.

She started less than a year ago and I can't believe what she has come up with. I used to knit and did so for years. I never took on the difficult and expert patterns that she has now mastered.

She showed me some of the cute things over the past 6 months or so that she has made and I asked her if she was taking pictures of the things she made.

I know that I regret now not taking pictures of the many things I made and gave away. I only have one or two of the sweaters I made left. It would have been nice having pictures of the projects I made over the years.

I asked her this last time I was visiting her if she would show me some of the projects she has made. She said she was sad she had given away so many that she hadn't taken pictures of and I suggested she make a little album that she could keep project pictures inside.

Here is a photo of her with a "baby sac" that you wrap your newborn in so they can't kick off their covers. Also, she made these cute fingerless gloves you can see in the same photo.

I love the little hat she knit for her son with the micro machine cars on it. She made one for a nephew as well. She said it is hard to find the micro machine cars now but I suggested those little finger skate boards or something. Little planes would be fun as well.

She got several books from second hand stores, checked some out of the library and I got her a few. Her favorite thing to do now is get patterns off the internet as there are sites where you can show your work and how you did it a bit differently than the next guy.

She has created some cute mittens for charity, head bands with flowers, hats, place mats, leg warmers, boot covers, clothes for her grand daughter and has about three projects going now that she showed me.

I am proud of her, how she has picked up the the skill so well. She went through a pattern book just working on the patterns on one project. It was really cute that it had so many different patterns on it. She even picked up cable knit which I have been afraid to try. I will have to take "grandma" knitting lessons from her when Princess number one decides to have kids.

I am in no hurry as I am still in "mom" mode with the other princesses in my life. I do enjoy crafts but am working on other things at the moment so the knitting will just have to wait.

I'm amazed by you Knitting Grandma Guru you!!!! Keep up the amazing work!

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