
Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Again - Original Song at 12 Years Old

I posted recently about my youngest Princess taking up the guitar and how impressed I am with her skills knowing 4 songs in a week or two.

Well, last weekend I was out of town on Saturday and she didn't want to go so she stayed home with her sisters and decided to write a song. I was spending the day with one of my best friends and got a call in the afternoon from Princess number 5 telling me that she wrote a song. I asked her to play me a bit over the phone so she played the first verse.

Of course, over the phone, I didn't get much but I did know that it sounded like she had good chord harmony and rhythm.

I got home after driving in a blizzard most of the night. The next day, we had church, choir, I did some home visits to members of our congregation and returned home at five p.m. After being gone all day and the all night drive, I climbed in bed and didn't see her again until after school on Monday.

She was so excited to play the song for me and I was excited to hear it. She pulled out her stool and guitar and I pulled out the video camera for her "first original work" concert.

I am so impressed. She wrote the song in about 20 minutes and did the chord progression, lyrics, tune and everything on her own with NO help from anyone. It is all her!!! Amazing to me.

I gave her a few suggestions on the tone and how to enunciate the words a bit clearer and suggested an intro and maybe some chords between verses. A few minutes later, she did a second "Concert" for me and I am so impressed. She is doing amazing things for playing the guitar for less than a month.

Now she is working on different strums and she asked me later Monday evening to help her write the tune onto sheet music paper so she can put the words down as well. She and her friend want to perform her song at the talent show.

Here are the words so you can read them before you watch it. She does have a cold and her voice is a bit nasal and hard to hear in the video but either way, it is still amazing. She is a natural.

I Want To Be Happy Again


"I’ve gone through the torture and the pain,
The stepmother and the rain.
Across the desert and the snow,
And I want to let it go.

I want my happily ever after to come true,
My story book ending to come soon,
I want this tale to end so, a new one can begin.
I just want to be happy again!


I’ve been with the dragon and its madness,
The dungeon and its sadness.
In my heart that just the start
Of what’s happened in my life


Because life is beautiful to me, and I want to see it go on and on and on!
Throughout my life time there’s been many bumps in the road,
But now there gone, I hope so.


Now my happily ever after has come true,
My story book ending‘s come to view,
Now this tale has ended and a new one has begun.
Now I am happy again!

Now I am happy again!"

She even typed it up herself on Sunday night. I got to see the words before I heard the song. She typed it up and left it on the computer so when I woke up, they were there for me to read.

It is funny that in both versions of the song (I will link you to both) she messes up only on the last note. We talked about it and I think it is because this song is about how she feels her life has gone and she really does want to be happy. As of late, she is happy with the way things have gone but she really isn't sure how things will end. Sometimes in life when you are a child, you have things forced upon you that may not be what you want or desire.

She has dealt with the trials in her life amazingly and she will deal with those ahead just as amazingly. We talked tonight after watching a movie together while her sisters were gone. Both of us were crying after the movie as some of the trials of the woman in the show were similar to things we have gone through.

However, she realized and we discussed how if we hadn't had the experiences we have, she wouldn't have had the situations needed to write such an amazing song. Sometimes, our trials give us what we need to move on in a different direction than we would had we not had the trial.

We talked about giving gratitude for the trials and the things that they teach us. She is the most easy going of my girls and has probably taken more than her share because she is the youngest. Being her mother put aside, Princess number five is an AMAZING person and I am sad for those who choose to miss out on that.

Here is a link to
"Happy Again" - Take One.

Here is a link to
"Happy Again" - Take Two.

I wish the links didn't take you off this page but my internet is too slow to upload through blogger so I had to upload through youtube. I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.

I find myself humming it through the day.... Not many songs can do that... Like I said, Taylor Swift, move on over......

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