
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day 2012

I posted in the past about our Valentine tradition of doing a treasure hunt. I bought stuff a few weeks ago to do the hunt but had so much going on today and I thought perhaps the girls were getting a bit old for the hunt. I guess the first thing Princess number five asked her sisters when they arrived home today was "Are we doing the treasure hunt this year?"

I arrived home a bit later and she asked me the same. Last year, even Princess number 2 was excited about it so I guess Princess number five at 12 still has many years to enjoy the hunt. I doubt it would be much fun by herself so I need to make the most of it while she still has sisters to "hunt" with.

I put the clues all over the house and of course made them run up for one and then down for the next. They were all huffing and puffing by the end and I actually worked up a sweat putting the clues and treats out. I put a clue and a treat at each spot.

I had a variety of things and tried to make the clues work with the prizes. For example, "Hot Tamales" were hidden where the clue led "To where you favorite spicy snack is stored." Their favorite spicy snack is "Flaming Hot Cheetos" and they got that clue in seconds. That led to "Where your clothes get "Hot." etc.

They traditionally get a pair of valentines socks in the mix along with Valentine candy but after that, it is whatever mom finds that they may like.

I visited the food bank donating some bagels, sacks for donation, magazines we have read, boxes and some cocoa that I ground from actual cocoa nuts they had donated. It is always amazing to me that when I go to do service or think I am "helping" in some way, it always comes back to me.

The workers asked if I had gotten a Valentine yet. I told them No, the kids were still at school." They gave me some chocolates and gave me a box each for the girls as well. That was nice. I had a few more fun things like that happen before getting home but I will post on those later so I will just say that I am blessed. It was a good day that way.

I then arrived home and there were two plates of cookies on the counter. I thought the girls made them at school or something. Nope. Two different friends thought of me and dropped cookies over. Both were home made. I got several texts and calls wishing me a great day and then the girls and I had a wonderful dinner of some fresh trout my friend Tazz gave us. We then watched a movie and had ice cream. I got a call from Princess Number one telling me about things in her life and enjoyed touching base with her.

I was also able to help a friend get a Cellercise for a great deal so that was a blessing today as well.

Here is a link to me describing the tradition and another link here to another Valentines tradition I skipped this year but is still fun.

It was a lovely Valentines Day. Hope yours was as wonderful!

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