
Thursday, February 16, 2012

At Home Library - Part 1- Save Big On Books

When my children we young, they would come home from school with the Scholastic and other book club book order forms. They would ask me each time if they could buy a book. At first, I thought that would be OK but the books were expensive and having two in school, I had to get them each one and they also had book fairs at the school for fund raisers during Parent Teacher conferences.

I ended up spending lots in books each year. One day, I was at a second hand store and saw several of the books on the book order for sale for anywhere from $0.25 to $1. Mostly the children's books were a quarter however. I had a brilliant thought.

Instead of getting one book from the book order, I told my daughters, they could get TWO books from mom's library instead. They liked that they could get two books and that did the trick. A few times, the orders had toys or puppets that came with the books and that caused some issues so from then on, I kept my eye out for puppets that went with books. I ended up with a Clifford, Lamb Chops, Curious George and a few others book character puppets to put in the box along with corresponding books. With this idea, I saved myself LOTS of money and was able to gather a nice variety of books for the girls.

I always kept my eye open for specific books that were classics. I also went to the Library garage sells and book sales. One year, I was able to buy the entire set of "Nancy Drew," and the full set minus one of the "Hardy Boys" for $25 each. That was less that $1 a book. The library was updating their sets. I also got the "Bernstein Bears" hard back set they were upgrading for $10.

Over the years, I have gotten some great buys at yard sales but I haven't been to one in years. I hate the crowds in a small town and people go days early asking what is for sale. It isn't my idea of fun. I have however sold some of my items for sale at yard sales to people who came early asking about big items so perhaps that is an option for some but I don't have that nerve.

So, yard sales, library sales and second hand stores are always a good bet. The last option I will suggest is one that I haven't used but I know others that have so I will include it. Have a book drive for families in your neighborhood who may be past the children's books stage. Pass out fliers and offer to "buy" the used books they may be willing to part with. Most people like the idea of making money without having to do much work and also like the idea of knowing that their "loved items" will be going to someone that will appreciate them.

For some, it is easier to get rid of things if they know where they are going. I went through my books a few years ago. I had lots of "learning" books that were history, animal facts, etc which would be great for a home schooler. I thought I could sell them at a yard sale but then I would have to "store" them and to me, getting rid of them was a bigger issue so I called a friend that is a home schooler and asked if she wanted the three large boxes of books I was passing on.

She was thrilled to get them and eventually, opened a pre-school as well so I know the books went to a good cause making it easier for me to give them up. It gave me room for keeping the books my children actually read as well.

To be continued.... Tomorrow, making money on books and collections.

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