
Monday, January 9, 2012

Here We Go Again - Human Barometer

Today's post will be short. For some reason, God has given me a gift and a curse. He allows me to know when a storm is coming in. Depending on the size of the storm, the more intense the pressure in my head. I have always heard of people who could tell you how the weather is due to their "Bones aching" but I now have this gift. It came with some surgery I had due to a bone break.

Now, when there is a "pressure" change which is usually due to a storm, I get a headache. Sometimes, if I take something right as I feel the headache coming on, I can keep it from getting bad. However, since I hate taking pills of any kind, I usually try to skip the pills in hopes drinking a coke will take care of it. Every once in a while I am blessed enough that drinking at least 20 oz of coke very fast will take care of the problem. Most times however, it doesn't take care of it which leads to me taking pills.

Today, it started early and I should have just stayed in bed. By the time I actually took something, it was quite severe as I had taken a small nap and woke up with a doosy. 7 pills and several cokes later, I am in bed again falling asleep at least 10 times trying to write in my journal and in here. So, the yummy sandwiches that I was going to post about will have to wait until I can manage writing a bit more.

Saturday night, we started pulling down the normal decorations and putting up decorations for the open house for Prince and Princess number 1. The house looks great in some rooms and a disaster in others but at least we are getting an idea of how things will look. None of this is finalized but I will show you how we are progressing since I needed a lazy, headache day post.

Hope we don't get too much snow before the open house. Sometimes, being a barometer can help me plan around storms but not when something gets planned that far off.

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