
Friday, January 6, 2012

111, Penny Moment, and Other Stuff

The last few weeks have been crazy with the holiday, wedding, and Missioinary Princess number 2 will be leaving the country in a few days. I haven't shared any penny moments or 111 in awhile but I wanted to let you know they are still happening all the time in my life. So, today is just an "Other stuff" day.

I can't remember how many times I found money during the holidays but three stand out. Last night, I worked late into the night and morning putting songs onto an mp3 player for my missionary princess. She spent hours before leaving for missionary training taking motivational songs off cd's and putting them onto an mp3 player, or so she thought.

She sent it home saying none of the songs would play. I spent hours trying to figure out why they wouldn't play only to find out after hours of working on it that she only copied a short cut to the song on the cd and didn't actually copy the cd. So, her days were wasted and then I wasted some figuring it out and so last night and this morning, I was thrilled to actually get about 350 songs that she had on her list taken off her CD collection and burned onto the mp3 player so that she would have music in her life over the next 15 months while in Taiwan. She has always loved and used music to lift her spirits.

It felt really good to get that done along with some letters to cheer her up. I sealed a few for opening when she arrives and sent one to Taiwan today in hopes it will be waiting for her when she arrives.

She said she is really getting the language and is excited to go. We will talk with her when she is leaving the country at the airport. I am really looking forward to talking with her.

I got some bread dough from the food bank that was in frozen french bread rolls and was in cases. They don't have any way to distribute the large loaves as they are too large for gallon bags. Since I needed rolls for the open house, I grabbed a case and we used the dough to make rolls. They are yummy. I had Prince and Princess number 1 help me make the rolls while they were home for Christmas vacation. We made 25 dozen or so.

Today, I was finally sitting down to actually eat something while sitting rather than while I am running to get something done, I looked over and what was on the side of the bread box? Yes, you guessed it, 111. I laughed. He blessed me not only with the bread which saved me hours of time mixing, the money of having to make it myself and having some help, but, he gave me a sign it was just for me. I know that the bread dough was an answer to my prayers as I have been so busy with everything.

Then, today, after I took the mp3 player to the post office and mailed off her letter to Taiwan, I went to get fuel. My sister and her family gave me a gas card for Christmas which I am VERY grateful for, I was giving gratitude for the card as I got out of the car to use it when I opened the car door, there was a nickle right beside me on the ground. I leaned over and picked it up giving thanks. I started to fill the car and went to return a red box I watched while working on the mp3 player and a car pulled in, right in front of me so I had to walk into another stall to get to the store front. There was a penny on the ground. If the other car hadn't pulled in, I wouldn't have found it. On my way back to the car, I was thinking about that and giving thanks when I found another penny.

Two other times I found dimes in the past two weeks came into my mind. Both were times I was stressing about wedding and Christmas costs along with paying for a missionary. Whenever I worry, I try and trust God and He always takes care of me. I really am blessed.

Princess number 5 finished her puzzle today and was happy to show it off. It was fun doing it with her over the holiday. School started and it got busy but she wanted to finish before the weekend. Hurray for Princess Warner Bros on her 1,000 piece puzzle!

It was a good day! I love getting things off the list.

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