
Monday, December 12, 2011

Photos and Quotes Wedding Weekend

Princess number one came home for the last time as a single person this weekend. We worked on some projects for the wedding which needed her approval. Since we are using the french doors as "frames" she needed to choose some of the pictures we would display.

We went and had about 75 pictures printed of different sizes to use for the wedding. We picked out some wonderful shots of both of them and a few individuals for the larger frames and eventually after printing many options, she picked 14 engagements shots for one door and 14 bride and groom pictures for the second door.

The photo at the top is going to be one of my favorites. Sometimes in the past it has been hard to get a picture of Princess number one smiling. When she arrived home this weekend, I was working on some questions hearts to place in the center of the eating tables for people to read while eating.

I sent about 30 questions to both the bride and groom and asked them to answer the questions without talking to each other about the answers. Some of the questions were about meeting, others about family, mostly just about wedding stuff. The only question that had the exact answer for both was the question "What has been your best advise?" Both answered, "Only fight naked." Kinda makes you smile to hear that. :-) Just might work!

Princess number 1 was grinning ear to ear when she read the answers to Prince number 1's questions. Some are funny and others are sweet. She obviously liked his answers to have such a smile on her face. She truly looks happy. Her bridal pictures also testify to that.

She had a hard time picking just 14 pictures for each door. We printed lots and then she compared similar pictures and broke it down more and more.

While we were working on framing and choosing pictures, Princess number five and a good friend were decorating the Christmas tree and putting out some decorations. I am not sure how many decorations we will be getting out as I have only a few days left for the wedding but I was glad that the tree is up at least.

I was glad to have one last weekend with Princess number one before she gets married. She let me paint her toes and we visited until five a.m. laughing and talking. It is nice that my girls and I are friends and can talk about anything. I am blessed with amazing daughters. I think she is ready to be a wife and I can see how happy he makes her. Welcome again to the clan Prince number 1.

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