
Friday, December 9, 2011

Hearts and Pinwheels for Amour

I've been working for weeks on the floating wall I mentioned in my post "Floating, Spinning Wall part 1" a few weeks ago. I started making the larger pinwheels. I had them cut and stuck together weeks ago but haven't had the time to make them up.

I rented a few movies and got started much later than I wanted but I finished all the large pinwheels. I have lots of medium to small wheels that need to be done. Tonight, Princess number five watched a movie and punched out all the edges for me after I cut the corners.

Making a pinwheel is easy. You take any size square piece of paper. Cut it in about 1/2 - 3/4 way to the center of the paper.

Punch holes in the corners of one side of each paper. Make sure you punch the hole in the same side either right or left it doesn't matter except that you do the right on each side or the left on each side. Punch a hole in the center of the paper. I fold it gently in half and only use the tip of the hole punch to make that hole.

I don't use a regular size hole punch. It is too large and the eyelets that you can buy don't fit with that large punch. I have a few smaller hole punches that work well.

Gather each corner and push an eyelet through the hole left by the punch. Once all four corners are placed on it, place the eyelet through the center of the hole in the center. Use an eyelet setter to set the eyelet. Then, I used medium sized brads to put through the center and twisted the brad ends around the stir stick straw I mentioned in the post listed above.

The straw will then be threaded onto fishing line and hung. I will post photos of the wall when it is up an finished. I hope it will work. They will at least look cute I think!

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