
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Late Start Today.... Big Party Yesterday

I think this is the first time in 500 or so posts, that I have totally forgotten to post. I had two hours sleep Christmas Eve and then after cleaning up all the Christmas stuff, getting the gifts needed for my family parties on boxing day, thank you gifts for the friends of the groom that helped in the kitchen at the reception etc. Little did I know that doing all that would keep me from sleeping at all the next night. I woke the kids and we packed up the car and headed to the skating party that we have every year. Click here to see past info on that.

I was so tired but spent the afternoon trying to figure out why my missionary Princess number 2's mp3 player wasn't playing. I kept trying different things. Finally as people were leaving, my brother helped me figure out that she didn't save the songs on it, she saved a link to the cd. Oh, that news was sad as she spent hours taking off songs she loved to put on it. So, I will have to take the list of songs and go through her several hundred cd's and try to actually put them on the player.

While I was doing that, I handed different kids the camera and said, "Take pictures for me." These are some of the pictures they came up with.

I had to run some errands that can only be done it a big city and then we had the adult Christmas party. I was so tired I didn't take more than one or two pictures. I have to say that I have done that another day last week at my daughters reception, I was so busy that I told my girls to take pictures. It wasn't until the next day that I realized that we didn't have one picture of my girls with their sister or one with me and my daughter. It isn't good that I am so tired. I pray that now that the wedding and one reception and Christmas are over, I will be able to get more sleep and be able to think and remember to take pictures. As you can see, I am a picture taking mom.

I am sorry that this post was later in the day but I am just glad I got enough sleep to even realize that I had missed posting. lol I hope you are enjoying your holidays!

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