
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Day With the Girls

I was so busy with the wedding that I wasn't sure how much I had actually purchased for the girls. I realized that I forgot to finish a few projects that I wanted to get done before the big day. As I was pulling things out to put out, I found that I had stacks of videos that I bought when the local store went out of business. The funnier thing I found was that just that day, I bought the exact same video that I already had in that pile and had purchased a few I already had. Princess number one didn't mind that as she wanted them. Funnier still is I had a bag of videos she asked me to get while the store was closing and I put them out only to find that Prince number one had most of them already. Princess number three thought that was great so she could take them to college with her. I am thinking that I have been a bit to busy to really be focused on that type of thing.

As you can see, we had the trail of candy and videos I posted about in this post:

I was so busy that I didn't want to wrap anything but kinda like that tradition as we have never done it. I was lucky to find these huge Stockings that I could just throw everything in so I could see them "unwrap" them prolonging the suspense but save on wrapping paper and time. The girls really seemed to like taking the time to dig through the stockings.

We spent the morning enjoying the gifts, then went to church for an hour with a special Christmas Program. It was wonderful. We came home and finished the dinner and ate and then we all enjoyed going to the local nursing home and singing to the staff and people who were staying there. We gave them little Christmas canes and a stuffed animal and sang their favorite Christmas carol. It was a good experience and we always are happy when we go.

We played a game after getting home and then Prince and Princess headed home to their kingdom and the girls enjoyed playing games before bed.

It was a wonderful day in my life. We got a long email from Princess number two and a great poem she wrote. I'll have to ask her if I can share it with you.

Hope your Christmas was a good one!

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