
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Two Honors are Better than One

Last week was a first for me. I had two children in National Honor Society at the same time. You can't apply as a Freshmen and all the girls have been in it for three years but they were all spread out enough than none of them were in it at the same time.

Noblise Oblige is the theme for the National Honor Society. In the American Heritage Dictionary the definition is as follows: "Benevolent, honorable behavior considered to be the responsibility of persons of high birth or rank." It suggests that because we have been given much, we too must give! It is our duty because we have been born into a wonderful free nation and blessed situation.

This was Princess number fours first year. Here she is proudly holding her membership card.

Princess number three is Vice President of the National Honor Society chapter at the school so it was her "honor" to hand Princess number four her membership card this year. To be a member you need to maintain a good gpa and do three hours of service each month. Many of the students only do it their senior year so it will look good on application or sterling scholar but I am proud of my girls doing all three years as it keeps them oriented on service.

I don't think it is hard to give three hours service a month and it makes them realize how blessed they are when they do service for others who may not be as blessed in their lives and situations.

It was a fun night seeing them together. In Proverbs 31:28 it states "Her children rise up and call her blessed." I love that verse of scripture and have it hanging with my girls pictures on the wall. I have to say that seeing my girls doing all the wonderful things they are doing in their lives, I surely am blessed.

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