
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thank You For Africa - Asante Sana

Princess number three went to Africa to do service. If you have read this blog for long you will know that our family is big on service and grateful for the opportunity to do it. I realized today that I never posted pictures of her from her trip as I finally am getting the last "thank you" card out as I have had some difficulty in finding all the addresses of those that donated.

The experience was wonderful for her. Part of that experience is sending "thank you" notes to those that donated to her trip. I didn't want to have to spend tons on the mailing and pictures so I thought we could make the picture into a post card and mail it for the post card rate saving us some money. I had her pick a picture from her trip that she liked and we went to Walmart and had them printed.

I went to do some other shopping and had her pay for the photos and meet up with me. She laughed when she arrived to where I was checking out and said, "Guess what the total for the pictures was?" I smiled and guessed, "$11.11?" she nodded "yes." to that.

I showed her how to make the back into a post card looking style by drawing a line down the back and writing the address and person on the right side. I think this would be a great way to do Christmas cards so I thought I could share the idea with you.

Walmart has several ways you can print. They have by the hour, instant or online printing options. I usually go in the morning hours and the "by the hour" prints are done in minutes because they have nothing in line as it is slow before school gets out. If you are printing lots, it is cheaper to order them online. However, I like to use the editing software they have on the computers there for writing words etc.

My daughter wrote "Asante Sana" on her cards which is "thank you" in Swahili. If you remember the movie, "Lion King" by Disney, they say, "Asante Sana, Squashed banana" in the movie. Walmart makes it very easy to make your own cards within minutes using their easy to use software. No, I don't work for Walmart but with all the scanning and printing I have done in the past year, I have come to appreciate their photo department!

If you missed the posts leading up to and coming home from Kenya, here are the links to those:

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