
Friday, November 18, 2011

Someone is Watching Me....

I had a busy day but an unusual thing happened. I had a board meeting for the food bank and after the meeting one of the workers had a daughter there who is going through a divorce. Her situation is somewhat similar to mine and I talked with her about how when I got divorced, I had a low self esteem. (Read about that and how I overcame it here) That wasn't always the case but due to the situation of life and other circumstances, it just was what it was.

I shared my feelings about God and how I believe He loves each of us like a Father would as I believe He is my Father in Heaven. This woman has a daughter that is about 6 months old and I shared that just as she wants the most out of life for her daughter, her Heavenly Father wants all that and more for her.

We talked for about an hour and while we were talking, a woman came into the office we were visiting in and wanted to say "hi" to them. They introduced me to her and when she heard my name she said, "I know you, you are the lady who prays for what she wants and then it shows up!" She continued, "I am Kathy's cousin and years ago when you were going through your divorce she would tell me all the amazing things you would win and get because you would pray for them."

I was taken back and told her that, "Yes, thats me!" After that I shared that I do pray for what I want and need and most often do get blessed by my Father in Heaven with what I pray for. I also told her that "Paying it forward and giving Gratitude are also very important in getting what you want and need." She then said that she had started "using" the same thing back then and now she prays and gets things she wants in her life!

We talked on further and exchanged numbers as time was limited. She wanted to know more about how it works for me. I openly share about my wins, big and little and my daily blessings. Blessings come every day but I don't share them all as some are personal and others I don't think others would see as blessings. I however, KNOW they are blessings and gifts from God.

I shared with the new mother going through a divorce about how we never know why we go through situations or trials but even though we don't always know it or find out, people are always watching us, even when we may not know them. I asked her how funny she thought it was that I had made a difference in that woman's life ten years ago and I didn't even know her. Someone just shared with her regularly about things that I shared with them as I volunteered at the food bank.

The divorcing mom then told me that she hadn't planned on going to go to the food bank today but "situations" made it so she did and she felt that it was meant to be. Blessings all around as I made a new friend, she was lifted up and knows she isn't alone.

Other blessings for the day.... I was talking with my sister about getting large cardboard boxes from fridges to cut and place between the doors for the wedding once they were painted so they don't scratch each other. She said they don't use boxes anymore but ship in crates. I was driving down a street I don't often drive down and saw a trailer being backed into a driveway with a large box with a fridge in it. I passed by later having to return something back to where I had just come and the box was empty on the driveway and the people were standing there. I stopped and asked if I could have the box and they had another one folded up and said they would have more tomorrow. I didn't have to go out of my way and now I have already cut them and have them to protect the doors and glass on the way to the wedding reception.

-I got a call from a friend saying that a man brought him a dryer needing to be fixed and also left a working fridge he didn't want and someone mentioned I needed another freezer to put stuff in until the wedding and would I like to use it until then.

- Princess number 1 wants little white boards at the wedding for people to write down their advise and then she has several friends taking photos of the people holding up their advise and they will put them into a book. I found a white board at a second hand store that was large for $3. I asked my neighbor if I could use his saw and he helped me cut it in about 5 minutes. I had planned to cut it with my little saw but his made it much easier and straighter.

- I bought carrots the other day and we already ate them. I was thinking I needed more carrots for the turkey soup I would be making for the wedding and I used all I had for the carrot curry soup I made last week. While at the food bank, I had my trunk full of magazines to share as they have a shelf where they allow people to share clothes, books and magazines. I took them in the main door where I wouldn't have been otherwise and they had a pallet of carrots they need to get passed out as it came on the refrigerated truck and the boxes got wet so they have to get them out fast. I was able to get two boxes of carrots. It is weird that the food bank has had them like that when I needed them as they don't often get carrots. Others may say coincidence but I know it is a blessing of me needing them and Heavenly Father providing them. Two weeks ago they had potatoes that had the same problem. They need to figure out a new way to package them that they don't get condensation from the truck and ruin the boxes. However, both were a blessing to me as I need them for our wedding soups.

- A sweet friend said they would help me paint the doors for the wedding using their expensive paint gun. She mentioned in that conversation that she needed a keyboard for her voice students when they perform. I went to a second hand store today and my sister happened to be there and had a stand in her cart for a keyboard. I mentioned my friend wanting one along with a keyboard and she pointed to a corner and there was a lovely Casio with 4 1/2 octaves and hundreds of instruments and prerecorded songs. I asked my sister if I could take the stand and "owe" her and she was gracious and let me take it and I bought the keyboard and the stand for $44.

This family also helped me make frame boxes for my mother last June and wouldn't allow me to pay them and have been one of the two longest standing friends in town since we moved here. I felt so blessed to be able to get her something she has wanted for some time and know that God placed that there just when I would be there. A few minutes later and my sister would have been gone with the stand and there was another lady looking at the keyboard when I arrived.

None of those may sound anything big to anyone else but those were all direct answers to my prayers for things that I needed or wanted and I was also able to be a blessing in the lives of several others. Isn't that how God works though, allowing us to love and support others and be "Angels" in their lives and at other times, they are "Angels" in ours!

If you missed the posts about "Knowing how God loves you." Here is a link to that post:

I know that God loves me. I read the posts I linked to above and was reminded just how much He does for me and how often He shows me He love me. He loves each of us and knows our individual needs and wants. How blessed I feel to have that knowledge when so many don't.

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