
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween and 11111 Day - Last Trick-or-Treat

Tonight was the end of an era of my life that I always looked forward to ending but now that it is here, I find is somewhat sad.

My youngest Princess wanted to trick-or-treat with her friends alone for the first time. The girls usually go out together and invite friends to join us.

Since Princess number 5 went with friends, the older two at home decided not to go. We always at least do the neighbors since my girls are the only children living at home on the entire street the neighbors always tell me to make sure they come over on Halloween.

I will post about my day a bit more tomorrow as it seems every day is an adventure for me anymore and I need sleep in a big way but I arrived home late from the events and my youngest only did a few houses and came home. I think she was sad because two groups were going and she felt that if she went with one, she was betraying the other so she chose to come home.

I forced the girls to dress for five minutes and visit the neighbors. Princess number three went as a "snuggie." Somewhat lame but at least she went with us to the four neighbors that we visited before they all wanted to go home. They had 4 pieces of candy. :-)

It was interesting how when we sat around to read a few scriptures and say family prayers after, we ended up talking about life and events for much longer than usual and about how things have changed over time and how things would be different if we moved etc.

I was happy and sad all at the same time. I had friends and family that visited with their young children and they were having so much fun so I missed the excitement that children have dressing up and getting treats. My sister and her younger children visited and were so excited to come. I loved my sisters "pregnant housewife costume." She said it was heavier than the real thing and she has had twins! :-)This was the first year that the girls didn't dump out their candy and make trades.

I so enjoyed our visiting and talking about life, hard situations with friends, small towns and how they are a blessing and a curse at times. School and the challenges there and other things going on. It was nice to sit for a few minutes and connect as we don't always have the time to do that but since the night was free and they chose not to go out, we have more time than usual.

I added a few photos of us in the past few years in costume. I don't know that they will go out next year but even still, we've hit a milestone that really lets me know life is moving fast. I'll probably be taking my grandchildren out soon. One of my girlfriends that is my age has three grandchildren that came to my home tonight. It happens so fast. I am looking forward to that part of getting older. I think being a grandma will be awesome!

I hope your day was safe and happy! I just went to post this and today is 11-1-11. Happy 11111 day!

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