
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blessings Abound from Car Break Down

Towards the end of last week, I had a friend ask if I wanted some fish she caught that they wouldn't be able to use. I told her I would love that. I was so busy on Saturday that I didn't think about it and didn't get back with her as we kept playing "phone tag."

On Sunday, a dear friend told me that for a few weeks she felt that she should share some of her meat that she got in trade for work. She asked if she could bring it over. Within minutes of her leaving after dropping that off, my friend that asked about the fish called and dropped off a large bag of frozen fish.

I found a penny on the way out of church and smiled to myself as I picked it up.

We cooked up some steaks and some fish that night and enjoyed a feast. The kids all commented on the good meal.

Monday morning comes and I had car problems in my daughters car on Saturday night. She took it to school Monday morning and I had been prompted to call the junk yard and ask if they had an alternator as when I took it to the mechanic Saturday evening before closing, they said it was the alternator.

I need to go get the part out as they have three mounting styles for the year of car I have so I am wondering how to get it out. I take over some dried apples and plums to my friend that brought me the fish as a "Thank You!" and tell her what is happening and her son offers to go and take off the alternator for me. He grabs his tools and off we go.

Within minutes he has the alternator off and we are headed out of town to the junk yard. I have a $10 credit there that I have had for years. I get the used part for less that $16. We return and put it on.

Just then, my friend shows up to pick up her son. She notices antifreeze dripping under my car. Her son proceeds to take off the thermostat as it seems that is where the leak is originating. They inform me that I need an o-ring for the thermostat. One place didn't have it, the other did. I bought more antifreeze and my other girlfriends boyfriend came and put that on for me.

I then went to Maurice's where they were holding some shirts for me from the clearance racks for the wedding. I had gone in on Saturday and been looking for something for me to wear to the wedding when I found a shirt that would be perfect and match exactly to the colors. I mentioned to the clerk if she thought we could call the other stores and find more. She told me she had a rack in the back with two of each size.

It was closing by the time I tried on what I did and my eldest wanted to look at them before I bought them but they were 75% off making them about $6.50 a shirt. Can't beat that! The unlocked the door and let me out saying they would hold them until Monday.

Forward to moment when I finished getting the car fixed. I rush over to Maurice's to purchase the shirts and they were now only 50% off. I guess on Monday morning they added things to the rack and everything on the rack went back up to only 50% off. I complained and finally after some tense moments the assistant manager said she would over-ride the price and honor what they were on Saturday at closing.

While she was figuring it out, I ran to the dollar store next door and purchased something. I noticed a penny under a guys shoe as I was in line to check out. I forgot about it by the time I was checking out. As I was putting the receipt in my wallet, I dropped my wallet. It landed right next to the penny. I laughed about that and picked up the penny.

I rushed home and had the girls pull out their "Maurice's" punch cards. Because the dance team they are on uses Maurice's for their uniform, we had enough punches to get $20 off our purchase. I went back to Maurice's and got all ten items for less that $4o.

My girlfriend who runs a pizza shop, knowing I was busy, dropped off a large veggie pizza which we loved. I felt so blessed and supported in everything the past few days. I just kept thinking to myself, "What if I broke down and that alternator blew up just as I was headed up to the wedding with a trailer on it at night in the rain or something." I felt truly blessed to have had the car break down where it did. Then, finding the penny and having dropped my wallet etc.

It just let me know that Heavenly Father is in charge and he has my back and everything else!

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