
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Floating, Spinning Wall Part 1

When Princess number one told me that she wanted, "maps, doors, and pinwheels" for her wedding decor I have to say I was a bit blank as to how to make the three of those things fit together. It is also a winter wedding and she picked the colors of blue and Cream as her main colors.

Armed with that information, I pondered on what I could do to make the three of those things come together and make the decoration process easy but beautiful. I talked with my AMAZINGLY creative younger sister and we talked of how we could figure out the pinwheel thing. I wanted to make a floating wall using fishing line but the fishing line wouldn't hold the pinwheels or hearts and let them spin at the same time. The idea then came that I could use straws. I purchased some blue straws but they showed more than I liked as I still wanted it to look like the wall was floating and moving so I opted to use coffee stir sticks.

I went to every store in town and tried all the coffee shops and truck stops and the only place I could find black was at K-mart. They were about $3 or so for 250 straws. I thought that was good and bought two but that was really overkill on my part. One would have done plenty. I then used my sisters "cricket" (with lots of help from her) to make and cut lots of hearts. I used wrapping paper in the color of blue for her wedding that I found at WalMart and it was $1 a roll. We (actually my sisters friend Donna) found some scrapbook paper that is a map in the colors that would match as we wanted a consistent color rather then the variations of color in real maps. She found it on clearance for $50 a package! It is normally $.50 a page or more. I am sure Heavenly Angels were guiding her for us to that deal! I was blessed to find a roll of contact paper in cream with marble lines running through it of the other wedding creams and tans at a second hand store for a few dollars. I loved having the contact paper so that I could just place a straw in the center of the heart and then place one of the other colored hearts over it without having to use glue.

When I would use the wrapping paper blue hearts and use the map paper opposite, I had to use a glue stick and put it thick right in the center where the straw would go so it would hold the heart in place.

I made some chain type hearts as she said she liked the heart, in a heart in a heart but I couldn't get them to work and spin that way so I tried making a chain heart and punching a hole in the center. I put the straw through the center of the heart at the bottom and glued it to the center of the heart at the top. This worked well but when I actually hung it up on my door, you couldn't even see those hearts because you were looking right through them and I would have had to glue a heart on the back or something and decided that it wasn't worth the work as I didn't like the result with those open chain hearts. If you wanted to make these or use them for something else, you can make the hearts long and thin, round and fat like the one in this picture or by gluing more of the top together on the straw, you end up with a more crafty looking heart. I also glued a little at the bottom on one making it come more to a point. I didn't have space to post individual pictures but if you blow up the top picture, perhaps you can see the different shapes of hearts I made.

I loved that the map hearts had Providence on them as that was where Princess number one was born. At first was putting the hearts at different places up and down on the straws to give it variety but after trying that out, I didn't like that one at the bottom and the next below it was near the top, it made them close leaving a large gap until the next one after that, I started putting them all on the middle of the straw.

As you can see in the top picture, I also added pinwheels. This in itself was a learning experience and there is a learning curve. I will tell you about that another day but there is an art to making pinwheels believe it or not!

The whole idea here is to put a fan behind the back drops and to have the pinwheels and hearts spinning round and making it look like the wall is moving and spinning but that the pinwheels are floating in air. I wish I could have just done it all on the fishing line and put some type of fishing weight or clamp on the line to hold up the hearts and pinwheels but I have so much to do that I went with this easier way as the line would be hard to keep from tangles but with the straws on it, it will be easier for me to manage. Now, I am getting into mass production.

So far, I think I am doing a great job bringing together the colors, and the three decorating items she wanted of pinwheels, maps and doors. I am getting a little excited to see how things turn out. I will be glad when it is over. Perhaps I will become a wedding planner...... or NOT! :-)

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