
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

And The Winner Is........ ME!

My daughter and I were working on wedding stuff when my sister needed some maps for one of the projects we were working on. She was running a booth at a trade show and so Princess number 1 and I took them to her at the show. When we entered they had a drawing box so we put our names in as we went into the show.

While we were talking to my sister, they called my name over the loud speaker. I wasn't sure what I won but went to the winners table to find out. They called three names and the woman in front of me gave her name as a winner and they pulled a blanket off the table and handed it to her. I gave her my name expecting a fleece blanket and she started to reach for that and then went down the table and grabbed something else. I was thrill when I found that it was a stadium bleacher kit. It was a padded seat with support for bleachers that zips into a bag when not used. It also had two rain ponchos, a water bottle and a fleece blanket.

Since I go to lots of drill and dance competitions, I sit for hours and I was thrilled to win that prize. My daughter and I ran into a friend while at the show and started talking to her. She is the friend that I mentioned in my post a few days ago who said they could help me paint the doors for the wedding. I started to cry when she told me they would help because I have so much going on with life and the kids that it was such a blessing and relief to have some help with the doors.

While talking to her, they called out Princess Number one's name. She went up to the table and there had been several winners called while we were there. There were only two stadium kits there and can you believe that my eldest Princess won the other kit! I thought it was funny as she was telling me that Prince number one made a comment about how she was going to have to get used to watching football as they go to support his brothers and she told him that it was fine because he was going to have to get used to going to drill and dance competitions! Now she has a comfy seat as well!

While we were talking a man walked over and handed us a card for a free gift if we came to his pan/cooking demonstration. He was giving away free salads so we went and sat down and had a free salad. We had also gotten a free water bottle at the first booth we passed so we got some lunch for free and during the demonstration I answered two questions and won two paring knives. I thought that was funny because Princess number one was telling me that she had most things for her kitchen but didn't have knives. So, I gave her one of the paring knives. He then gave us each a citrus juicer for coming to the demonstration.

At the end of the show he gave everyone a ticket for a drawing for a prize. He had two large knives he was giving away. Wouldn't you know that out of the 25 or so people there, he drew my number first! I promptly handed it to Princess number one.

That day I won three knives, got a citrus juicer, a water, a salad, and a stadium pack! The best blessing from all of that is that my friends are helping with the painting of all the doors. I felt truly supported and loved by their willingness to help.

I was glad I went! My friend stayed and watched the show and leaned over and said, "I just can't wait to see how you get the pan set for free!" I wish I could figure that one out myself. They are an amazing set and I would LOVE some or at least get some for the new bride but until then.... I am happy with all the blessings of the day. The best part was that we bought Princess number One's wedding dress and got to spend time together. Who can beat that?

With five amazing Princesses and now an added bonus of Prince number one.... I am the winner!

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