
Monday, October 3, 2011

Here Comes The Bride... And Groom

Despite this photo, my new son-in-law to be is no frog prince. He has known Princess number one for about four years. They went out as friends while she was finishing college and were friends when she returned from her mission and as of yesterday morning, they are now engaged to be husband and wife.

He texted me a few weeks ago after I posted about the family reunions and told me I had his permission to use his photos in my blog. I guess that should have been a sign...

He called me just over a week ago asking for my Princesses hand in marriage and I couldn't say "YES!" fast enough. We love him and he is a perfect fit for my eldest. Things are moving quickly as they found an apartment that she can take now and make theirs before the big day so that they won't have to worry about moving much during the busy time of wedding and holidays. The date isn't final yet but they want to make it official during the break from school as he is working on finishing his degree and taking a full load of classes.

We are busy with all the mission plans for Princess number two and have some other things keeping us busy with the younger girls but ideas and plans for the wedding and reception are already forming so it will be exciting to be able to create a beautiful day for Princess number one.

Her Prince is so welcome in our clan. He will be the first of many men to balance out all these amazing beauties. Welcome to the family Prince number one!

With Princess number two leaving for 18 months to Taiwan, and Princess number three still in high school, it will probably be some time before he has any male company.

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