
Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Food Bank Blessing

Another blessing we received from the food bank last week was fruit. They got pallets of fruit. They had two of Braburn apples which are my favorite apple, one of Golden Delicious, three pallets of limes, 1/2 of very ripe pears, and a large pallet of apple/plum mix. They had so much they needed help getting it out to people.

Along with the yogurt, I delivered fruit to everyone. However, I was in the walk-in fridge for awhile loading up and was freezing. For about six months, I have been searching for some large coats that the workers and volunteers could wear into the freezer when sorting. Our local scouts had a coat drive a week ago around our neighborhood. I had an idea. I contacted the scout leader and asked them to save some larger coats for us to use at the food bank. Last night they delivered a bag of coats.

I selected three that I thought would be the best for that use and today, I painted "FOOD BANK" on the back in white paint. I figure no one would want to walk around town wearing those coats so they would be left at the food bank to be used in the freezer and walk in fridge for sorting. I will donate some gloves for the pockets. I will be grateful when volunteering for the people who donated those large coats.

Perhaps it was one of your reading this post. If so, "Thank You!" for you donation. I will put some hooks on the end of the large shelving units and hang them there tomorrow.

It is always nice when I can pay back in some small way the kindness of the workers and volunteers that helped me at the food bank while I went through my divorce. I am blessed.

I took some of the excess fruit home and dried it. I took it back dehydrated giving each employee and volunteer some. I am always glad when things can be used and enjoyed rather than thrown out.

I am blessed to have the food bank in my life. I have great friends there.

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