
Friday, October 14, 2011

Family Photo Shoot With Prince Number 1

This past week has been busy as you know. I took some photos of the happy couple last weekend as we met and all dressed up to hopefully get some family shots before Princess number two leaves on her mission to Taiwan.

The problem was we didn't have anyone to take the family photos. I took the tripod and set it up for a few photos only to have my battery die on the camera. For some reason, it won't hold a charge but since I use it daily for my blog, I charge it often. I guess I am now in need of buying a new battery for it.

With that said, here are the only family photos we got last weekend. I am hoping to get one or two more family photo opportunities before she goes.

I am sure I will let you know if I get any new family photos worth sharing. Wish me luck!

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