
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Door Number 1, Door Number 2 or Door 3

My daughter wants to decorate her wedding with doors, windows and maps. Not a traditional reception for sure. But, I am excited by her desires to have it be her day so I am trying to be supportive and do whatever I can to make her day special.

I usually do a project start to finish and show you the before, during and after shots. This week however, if you can't tell from the jumping around in my posts, has been a bit busy. I really couldn't tell you how much is going on besides just having 75 people for breakfast, getting Princess number 2 ready to go out of the country and starting to make wedding plans with princess number one, there are a few other things that can't be put on a public forum.

Today, I pruned several trees, cleaned and winterized several garden beds, collected 5 doors from many different places, dehydrated two loads of apples, made a lovely dinner about three hours late, had some wood cut for some benches I am working on for the wedding, helped Princess number 2 go through some clothes choices for her mission and lots of other things in between.

The blessing that comes in the stressful times seem to be the miracles of life. I woke this morning feeling VERY tired and had been fighting headaches for two days. I had a little conversation with my Heavenly Father telling him I had so much to do and I couldn't get it done if I didn't feel good and I have spent two days calling every handyman and window or door shop or glass place in town and surrounding areas. I even tried garage doors and haven't found one.

Within minutes, my sister called telling me they had a brand new door they didn't use on their other home and I could have it if I picked it up. I then got a text from another friend telling me she needed to get a new door and I could have the old damaged one if I wanted it. I went over and it was quite damaged but as we were walking to the door she told me she had a guy that did all the handy work at their hotel and that she would call him. She told me he had two doors and would deliver them next time he came to town.

I then felt to call another friend of mine and ask about doors and while I was on the phone, she went to her back shed and said she had 4 or 5 doors I could have. I went over and she had two of the cutest old doors. One has a hole in it and was the screen door to the other door is my guess. The second has a hook at the top of one side and a cute little metal turn key on the other. They had been buried and had spiders, chicken feathers and stuff on them but sanded and painted they will be great. We hosed them down with two more plain white doors and picked them up later and ended up with 7 doors.

So, instead of doing it all in one post, I will do it in parts. I am thinking they will turn out adorable however. Very cute ideas Princess Number ONE!

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