
Monday, October 24, 2011

Cleaning Windows the Easy Way

This last week, I took a day during this indian summer weather and cleaned my windows. When we first bought the house, the sprinklers were so high that they hit the windows daily. Because of that, the minerals covered the windows in a white film. After trying to get them clean using many containers of CLR, I made every effort to make sure the sprinklers were turned down or closed off the ones nearest the house to keep the brick and windows from turning white.

They were so hard to clean that I hired people to get them clean. They had a hard time getting them clean as well.

I had a product I loved in the shower to get off the hard water and the company that made it was a multi-level company called "Melaleuca" and the product was their "Tub and Tile" Cleaner." I thought I should try this product on the windows. I sprayed it on the window, used a squeegee to swish it around and then used water to rinse and squeegee it off and they were done. It took just as long as it would to just wash a window. I did leave it for about 30 seconds after I swished it around but that was it. I was hooked.

One year when I was really busy, I hired a guy again and he tried what he had and I gave him my stuff and he tried it and asked where he could purchase it.

When my mother almost died, I was signing her off her multi-level but before I did, I ordered a full case of the "tub and tile" so that I would have it for my windows and shower for years.

My sink and apple corer both were showing signs of water /mineral scum on them tonight so I thought I would use the tub and tile cleaner on them. The first pictures of both are just them dirty. The second of each is them after just spraying them with the "tub and tile" cleaner and the third is after a minute or so rubbing it down with a sponge. It is amazing to me how quickly this cleaner can clean it off with no toxic chemicals. It does stink to me but works so well it is worth the smell.

I wanted to show you my clean windows so I took a photo of the skeleton window decoration we have up for Halloween. The girls have been having fun moving it into different positions. Each time I go into the room, they have it doing something different. I have to tell the truth that I didn't get the inside of the windows done but you wouldn't be able to tell because the outside is so clean.

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