
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apartment Renting 101

Princess number one has a new apartment. She is setting up the "home" so that once they get married, everything will already be ready. She was renting a room in a house but the apartment will actually save them money rather than the two of them renting as they are now.

She told me it was really small and she needed a very small table to fit into the living area so that they will have somewhere to eat as the kitchen is long and skinny and wouldn't fit a table.

So, I found this really small table with a leaf at a second hand store and bought it for $10. I took the legs off so we I could fit it into my car for the two hour ride to her new place. It needs a bit of spray paint on the legs but I figured she could pick whatever color she wanted and use a cloth on the top to match the colors she chooses for the apartment.

When we arrived we all thought it was a dump. The hallway stairs down to the apartment were dirty and the floor in the hallway was on an angle and there was a dirty door going into the furnace.

However, when we walked into the place, everything was new and clean. We thought it was cute and it will be a wonderful first apartment. I figure most newlyweds have a first apartment something like the one they are renting.

I do have a few concerns with the bathroom as her fiance is tall and the shower is raised and short. I don't know that he will ever take a long shower as he is taller than the shower.

The other thing that is so funny and odd that I actually took a photo to post is that the bathroom is actually raised up on three layers so it is like a "throne!" There is a step up right when you go in the door and another to the shower level and one that the toilet sits on. When you sit on it you are looking at yourself in the vanity mirror. :-) I hope she doesn't have to find her way in the dark some night!

There are two small bedrooms and the first will be filled with a bed and the second will hold their clothes. It will be great for them while they finish school and move on to bigger and better. If the plan goes as they think, Princess will have her Masters degree when her Prince Charming finishes up his Engineering degree.

It will be fun to see how she decorates the place and makes it their "home." I can say that we probably won't be house guests anytime soon. It is nice to know that the royal couple will have a "throne" finally. We are happy for their great find and as you can see, she is almost all unpacked! She has now graduated from Apartment set up 101! Enjoy your new "Castle" Beautiful!

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