
Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome Home Princess Number 3

We missed Princess number 3 so much while she was in Africa. She called me from the Washington Airport asking me to take her anything that was cold and icy to drink with me to the airport for her. She said she really missed anything cold.

I took her to my sisters where my youngest, my niece and I undid her braids and she asked me to "give her a pedicure because her feet were gross."

We did that and then after a nice long shower, Princess number 3 was off to dream land being in a bed safe in the USA. The next morning we rushed off to church where we left early to head to the next adventure.

She attended a leadership academy for a week on a military base where she got to have some wonderful experiences getting into a black hawk chopper, shoot M-16's, check out the cockpits of fighter jets, take a tour of a news station, met Senator Jake Garn who talked about going into space and NASA, meeting celebrates and visit the Capitol State House.

Her sisters were at a girls camp when I went to pick her up from her busy week. We took our long drive home and literally pulled into the driveway within one minute of the two youngest arriving home. The girls were very happy to see each other as it had been almost a month since Princess number 4 saw her due to both having different activities.

The highlight of the drive home was that I had one of the girls drive and I finished stitching the last square for Princess number 5's hand print memory quilt as we pulled into the driveway. Needless to say, Princess number 5 was very excited to see that last square be finished.

It has been such a busy and exciting summer with children headed all different ways. At one point, I was actually without any children for one night. That doesn't happen often.

Well, there is so much to share but I have a huge day tomorrow so I will wait and post more then.

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